CHAPTER 4: the villain who needed saving (page 14)

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"Oh great! You found him!" Kenji exclaimed to Atsuko, who was standing a few meters away from the situation.

Her fists were held at her sides, and they did not look calm. Caleb glanced over and immediately saw Kenji, his eyes widened with surprise with one of them starting to puff and purple into a black eye.


"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU BUNCH OF ASSHOLES THINK YOU'RE DOING!?!?" Atsuko yelled at the group of teens while her brother stood closely behind her.

Ty started laughing as soon as he caught a glance at Atsuko.

"What? What're you gonna do about it, fight all 6 of us!?" He taunted at her. Kenji could see a vein pop at Atsuko's neck and he could only pray that they don't get arrested.

"You should know I HATE unfare treatment!" She exclaimed before sprinting foward, her speed barely giving the brunete any time to react before she punched him straight in the stomach.

Saliva fell from Ty's mouth as the impact hit him. He fell to the ground, all his allies ran over to him.

"Ty! Are you okay!?" One of them yelled as they ran towards the brunete on the ground.

Ty could barely stand up as he held his stomach in pain. He looked back up at the fuming Atsuko, her eyes were intimidating and only now did they notice her larger and muscular frame under her thick layer of clothing.

Ty didn't say a word, but it was clear non of the teens were going to fight back.

"Well!? Not gonna stand your ground!?" Atsuko yelled back making almost all of the gang members flinch back.


The gang all stood up, two of them were holding Ty up and carrying him away.

Caleb tried standing up, but the pain and aching feeling in his legs made him stumble forward and back to the hard sidewalk.

"Are you okay?" Atsuko lifted Caleb up by the arm. She turned to Kenji before continuing, "We should take him to a clinic-"

"No." Caleb's legs still wobbled slightly but he manadged to stand as he answered abruptly, "I'll be fine."

"Well maybe we should take you home then." Kenji suggested quietly but surely.

Caleb remembered the time. 8 pm, his dad would be home by now, and he can't climb the fence now in this condition, he would be forced to go through the front door, and it would surely lead to another earfull from his dad.

Caleb stayed quiet, he wasn't sure what to do and his mind barely concentrated on anything. His head started spiralling again but nothing really came of it. He looked down, emotionless and tired, overwhelmed.

Atsuko caught on to what Caleb might've be feeling, one look at him and she could tell something wasn't right. Her face became an emphathetic frown.

"How about you stay over at our house? You can leave early in the morning if you'd like."

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