CHAPTER 1: will things ever change (page 3)

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"UGH!" Kenji whisper-yelled in exhaustion, he's been spending the last 3 hours doing todays assignments plus Caleb's.

He placed his head onto his study table and stared out the window beside him, "The stars looked like white dots from Earth, can't believe they're actually flaming balls of light in space or something."

The table lamp eluminated the stationery and papers in a warm orange-y yellow while the rest of his room stayed mostly dark. The digital clock that read 11:48pm reminded him that it was a stupid move to underestimate homework.

He sighed, "I've been doing Caleb's homework for a while now, ever since I got transfered here, it's like he only ever targets me, why??"

"Is it because I have no friends?? Or am I just an easy target, there's plenty of other smart kids in class, so why me?"

He could hear Atsuko downstairs watching a film on the TV. Kenji felt his soul trying to escape his body to join her, but his mind knew he couldn't tonight if he wanted a good nights sleep, so he sat up and grabbed his pen again, but then paused before writting anything.

A thought had been looming over his head for hours now, the person he saw in the alleyway, must've been Caleb.

"The faded red hoodie he wore under his jersey was the same as what he wore today at school too, it was clearly him!" Kenji thought as his mind drifted.

He knew he probably shouldn't but he couldn't help but feel a little worried for the guy.

"Was he hurt..? Wait, no, I would be hurt if I don't get this done!" Kenji shook his head and finally started writting again.



"12:38, huh." Kenji muttered to himself, "it took me 30 minutes to transfer all the answers to Caleb's paper." Kenji felt as if he was proud of himself for being faster this time, before reaching out his left hand and turning off the podcast he had been playing on his phone.

He lifted up his right hand, "But I guess this is the price." he said as he looked upon his red fingers from writting so much. He shrugged and spun his chair around, lifting up his arms and stretched. He stood up and stretched his back aswell, emitting a cracking sound from it.

"Finally, ..I can sleep." Kenji let out a relieved sigh, before collapsing onto his bed.

With blurry eyes he watched as 12:39 turned to 12:40am. His eyelids became heavy before he submits and fully closed his eyes.

The only feeling left was the soft texture of his pillow as sleep promptly consumed him.

i like you but i cant say itTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon