15 :)

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Next morning here tae is fuming in anger as Jimin told what happened in hospital kook is also angry. Then there yoongi who is sleeping on couch while his head on tae.And tae caressing.

Tae:what the fuck. Jimahh I already told  her intentions. She is just a bitch but you always take her side now see what happened. Let me come there I will throw her out of there

Jimin:yaah calm down do you think I am happy huh I am also mad at her. But I want to know why is she doing this. Yoongi didn't tell me full he said  she blackmail him by telling killing me.we still don't know what is going in her mind so we have to know her plan first so we will act like we didn't figure out I will tell Yoon to act like brat as we are going to hospital today.

Tae:(sigh) okey then

Jk: Ahh I wish our college would open I am Soo bored coming to your hospital

Tae:yeah I am also wishing to open the college so I can teach you again

Jk:he he I took my wish back.(he said smiling nervously)

Jm:let's go now it's already late I have so many appointments

Tae:I have so many surgeries today also some medical students are coming today so I have to show them .

Jk:let's eat breakfast then go

Taemin nodded

Tae:Yoon bun wakie wakie get up . Come let's have breakie

Yg:hmm Hyungie me no want to breakie

Jm:no compromise with food (he said picking him in koala style as yoongi whined)

Taekook chuckled

Then the two duo went to eat breakfast

🥪At dinning table🍜

Jm:now say  Ahh

Yoongi:me no want

Jm:why . It's your favorite sandwich and hot hot ramen

Yg:I am not hungry Chimmy

Tae:why are you not hungry did you eat something before

Yg: I ate  fruits (a clear lie  because he don't want to eat)

Jm:oh okey then go sit on living don't sleep okey we will come

Yg nodded and went to living room yawning.

Jk:I bet he will sleep there

Jm:I know that.this sleepy cat is on another level you know

Taekook laughed and trio eat their breakfast

After breakfast they went to hospital


Right now yoonkook is in hospital in Taehyung's cabin. Whole their husbands went to do their jobs.

And they are playing with his medical stuff which he said don't do.

Yoongi:open your mouth(he said taking the thermometer in his hands wearing taehyung's long white coat which is so big for him also the scethoscope around his neck.)

Jk:aahh(he opened his mouth as yoongi place the thermometer in his mouth)

Yoongi:okey wait for sometime

Jk:okey doctor

After sometime the thermometer beeped yoongi take it out

Yg:OMG you have high fever (he said widened his eyes) I will give you a injection

Jk:no doctor pls I don't like(he said fake crying)

Yg: don't worry it will not hurt I will be super gentle(he said taking the syringe in his hands without the needle he pulled jk sleeves up and rubbed the cotton then inject the air 😂😂)

You get what I am saying Right

Jk:oww it hurts(pout)

Yg:done done don't cry

Then there  was a Silence then both look at it eachother and laughed like Maniac

Yg:wow its so funny

Jk:ha ha ha yeah it is

They again look at each other and laughed

(Author also laughing don't know why I am crazy you know.)

That's when the door opened revealing taehyung he came there to check them but he was confused seeing them laugh like idiots and not minding him.

Tae:ahem ahem(fake cough)

Yoonkook turn to see tae standing with arms crossed and confused face

Tae:why are you guys laughing like stupids

Jk: nothing

Tae: nothing hmm. (He said ruffling his hair coming towards the table) wait Yoon what are you doing with my coat

Yg:he he Hyungie we are playing

Tae: playing what

Yg: playing doctor doctor

Tae:hm. Wait yaah didn't I told you both to not touch those things what if you get hurt(light scold)

Jk:but we were playing why are you scolding us(pout)

Yg:yes Hyungie is badie he always scold us

Tae:oh so I always scold. I will tell to Jimin that you both broked his favorite flower vase.

Yoonkook eyes widened

Yoonkook:NOOOOOOO. Hyungie don't

Tae: Ahhh my ears stop screaming brats (he said closing his ears)

Yoongi: Hyungie don't Chimmy he will kill us

Tae:okey okey I won't now don't touch these there some sharp items I will hurt you got it

Both nodded cutely

Tae:okey I am going for a surgery. Till then you both can go to the hospital garden

Jk:okey then bye bye

Tae nodded and left from there

Yoonkook for up and went to garden they were walking while holding eachother as they didn't saw the floor was wet both slipped and was about fall but before they touch the ground they were holded by two well built man's

They opened their eyes and saw they holding their waist they immediately get from their grip and bowed

Yoonkook:thank you (bow)

Man 1:oh  it's okey but be careful next the floor is wet

Yg:yeah sorry Mr. Hummm

Man 1:Jake

Man 2:Justin

Jk: thank you hyungs

Jake: don't mention (smile)

Yoonkook smiled and left from there

Jake: they are so  cute

Justin:yes they are. But thy are already taken you know

Jake:yaah taehyung sir and Jimin sir is Soo Lucky to have them

Justin: yes(smile)

???:Now I have to just edit this picture then I will see how will their husbands trust them(evil laugh)


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