Chapter 2

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The sun invaded the boy's room in the morning, he slowly opened hi sapphire eyes, he looked around, where was he? The he remembered, he had been rescued by a family of humans and brought to their house. The boy got out of bed and opened his room's door he hadn't been outside yet, then, a smell caught his attention, food. He quickly walked towards the source of the fantastic smell and encountered Cole's mother in the kitchen making pancakes, next to her were Cole's father and Cole eating at a table. Cole's father spotted the boy staring at them and smiled, "why don't you sit down with us and have some breakfast?" The boy didn't hesitate and walked right to the table and sat in the spot closest to the food, which was next to Cole. The boy grabbed the cookies in front of him and stuffed them in his mouth along with some other goodies on the table, then he grabbed the carton of milk and poured it directly in his mouth. Cole and his parents were staring at him surprised, "you were very hungry huh?" Said Cole's mother with a smile, the boy nodded without speaking "that reminds me" said Cole's father "if you can't speak, or don't want to to you can still understand what we're saying right?" The boy nodded silently "so Yeti can understand us but won't talk" said Cole "that's a bummer, I really wanted to know his name" he pouted. The boy felt bad, but he couldn't reveal his name to them, what if they were only pretending to be nice? Just then Cole's mother announced "everyone quiet down, the pancakes are about to land on your plates!" Then she gave everyone a couple pancakes and they were delicious!

After breakfast the boy was about to head back to his room but Cole grabbed him from the shoulder "don't you want to come play with me?" He pleaded, the boy tilted his head, he didn't know what 'playing' was. Cole brought him to a glass door, he opened it and a gush of wind caressed the boy's face, they walked outside, there was a patch of land filled with evenly cut grass and near that there was a rectangular hole filled with water that smelled weird. Cole led the boy near the water hole where there was cement with squares drawn on it, Cole hopped in the first square and then the second with only one fut, then he switched foot when jumping in the third. He kept jumping in the squares looking happy then he turned to the boy and said "this is hopscotch, it's really fun, why don't you try?", so the boy hopped in the squares like Cole and thought "this is pretty fun.." Cole and the boy played together for hours and Cole tough the boy many games. It was lunch time and Cole's mother called them inside, while walking back the boy slipped and fell into the water hole, the water was cold and when it touched his skin the boy shivered then he swan to the surface and grasped for air, he held on firmly to the edge of the pool and noticed Cole was extending him his hand so he took it, Cole pulled him out "Yetiiiii, are you ok? You're drenched! Take your shirt off before you catch a cold!" He said while grabbing the end of his shirt and trying to take it off, but the boy grabbed his hand and growled exposing his scary, white, pointy teeth. Cole was startled and stumbled back, Cole's mother who saw the whole thing ran outside to help Cole and the boy ran to his room. "I messed up, they are gonna kick me out or try killing me, why did I do that??" Thought the boy as he changed his clothes. He paused in front of the mirror and he stared at himself and body filled with scars "how ugly" he thought, was that the reason he didn't want others to see him like that?

The boy stayed in his room thinking of how to apologise until late evening, then he heard a knock on the door, Cole entered the room and the boy quickly looked away "why didn't you come out to play with me?" Said Cole, he looked bummed out, "is it about this morning and the pool?" The boy looked at him and then the ground he didn't want to be kicked out "sorry" he said in a shy voice, almost under his breath, Cole looked at him surprised and then he smiled "so you can talk!" The boy didn't answer and Cole said "don't apologise I'm not mad or anything... but can I know your name now?" The boy just stared out the window like Cole hadn't said anything. Cole apologised for the pool incident saying it wasn't the boy's fault and left the room. That night the boy had an urge to howl but he knew he couldn't, it would only put him in danger, so instead he started singing his favorite song quietly 'Pawprints' he opened the window, turned back into a wolf and let the wind mess up his white fur, he inhaled the fresh air and let the wind take the words from his song to wherever it was going. He looked at the moon and said "mom, please watch over me. I miss you".

Link to the song :
Hope you like it :)

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