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♡ '・ᴗ・ '♡

It's been a few weeks, Haesoo was ungrounded, and it was almost December which meant exams were near since second-semester exams are on January

They were having art class, it was the day when they had to present their art project and they all took turns

Haesoo's group was third to present and Hajoo was nervous, it was written all over his face

"We'll do Hajoo don't worry," Soyoung and Haesoo comfort him, "yeah! We will, we did pretty well..."

"We've been working hard on this, no need to worry"

Soon it was there to present after the second group presented theirs, Hajoo and Sunghoon were voted to present most of their poster while Soyoung and Haesoo was the one who made the script

When Hajoo and Sunghoon were presenting the girls were also in charge of holding the poster to show everyone their work

Haesoo was proud of their group, she did help, more than she expected, but as the boys were presenting the only thing that was on her mind was lunch

'What should I pick out from the menu later...' she thought as one hand held the poster and the other held her skirt tightly

"That's great Hajoo's group! Can you please tell us the most unique thing about your poster, that you think makes your poster better than everyone else's?"

Haesoo's thoughts were cut off when the teacher suddenly asked them a question, but Hajoo was quick enough to answer for them which made Haesoo smile in relief

After everyone presented their work, it was time for lunch 

Once Sunhee walked over to them alongside Chanwook, Narae walked to eat with her other friends

'Great I'm stuck being the third wheel today,' Haesoo thought as she walked with the couple to the cafeteria to get their food before they ate outside on the picnic tables

The weather was great, surprisingly. Since it wasn't snowing today they decided to eat outside, a lot of students probably had the same thought since most ate outside as well

They were eating until Chanwook said, "Haesoo do you fancy Sunghoon?"

"What makes you think that?" Haesoo asked in confusion since the question was very sudden, Sunhee looked at her awaiting an answer too

"Do you guys think I like him?"

"Not necessarily like, maybe you see a potential in him," Sunhee rephrase her sentence, Haesoo shook her head as she took a bite of her lunch

Chanwook just nodded and continued eating

"Why do you ask?"

"Nothing much, lots of girls like him so I wanted to see if you did too"

"He's okay I guess..." Haesoo says not knowing what to comment about the boy

From a distance, the sounds of her classmates caught Haesoo's attention, she turned to see them playing basketball in the small court outside

One of the boys playing basketball was Sunghoon, who was quietly playing instead of exclaiming and cheering like his other classmates

She was watching them play basketball as she ate her lunch

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