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♡ '・ᴗ・ '♡

Back when Haesoo was in middle school, she met her first love

Lee Jungo

"Alright settle down everyone, Jungo is new but even so please treat him like you treat everyone else alright?"

In sync the class replied positively, Jungo was the only new student in their class and everyone was already familiar with each other

Sunhee and Haesoo looked at each other after looking at Jungo, who sat far from their table, "We only have one new student this school year? So boring," Haesoo commented and Sunhee patted her back

"At least it won't be hard to become friends," Haesoo looked at Jungo after that, he was talking to his deskmate

Once the bell rang indicating it was time for recess, Narae stepped out of her desk first and immediately walked over to Haesoo and Sunhee

With Narae using both of her arms to wrap them around both of her friends, they walked together out of the classroom

"Where are we eating this time?" Sunhee asked where Narae replied "Oh the others want us to have lunch with Jungo"

"He seems popular already, he made friends right away," Haesoo says and Narae nods, "He seems pretty nice though!"

That was their first interaction, at the cafeteria where a few of her classmates and she had lunch together

Haesoo sat in between her closest friends while Jungo happened to sit in front of her, he was answering everyone else's questions while Haesoo silently ate her food but also chatted with the others

"Do you like sports Jungo?"

"I don't do sports..."

"Aw, why not?"

"I'm uh... Sick? Ever since I was a kid, so I can't do much physical activity," he replied but without explaining everything

Haesoo seemed to be interested in what he said which made her look at him, and coincidentally he was looking in her direction as well. She furrowed her eyebrows at the sudden eye contact and looked away feeling a little awkward about it

"Come on Narae!" she whispered and shouted as they both entered the classroom early when the teacher told them not to

The class that used the classroom before them hadn't cleaned up after themselves so the teacher was making them clean up after recess

Not listening to the teacher's words the two walked inside and looked around, "That's unfair they mix thither like potions"

"Maybe because they're older than us"

"This looks cool it's purple!" Haesoo walked up to one of the tables which had lab glassware that was still filled with liquid

Haesoo picked it up and moved the glass in circular motions, making the liquids inside swirl

Narae looked a little worried though, "I think we shouldn't hold them, what if the liquid will kill us?"

"It won't kill us Narae"

Without thought Narae held the glass trying to take it away from Haesoo's hands, Haesoo didn't listen and pulled the glass closer to her trying to keep it

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