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♡ '・ᴗ・ '♡

Haesoo was frustrated when she found out her brother didn't have class today so he was staying home

Because of their fight last night, he only allowed Haesoo to hang out with her friends at the court if she finished her homework

It wasn't just one homework, it was several homework that she hasn't been doing and most of them were due soon

To make it more difficult she had to do it in her brother's room, so he was able to check on her and she wouldn't slack off

That was the reason why she arrived at the court much later than the rest of her classmates

"Haesoo! Finally?" Narae complained to her friend who was almost an hour late

"Sorry, my brother and I fought about my grades again"

"Ohh, mhm it isn't surprising if that's the reason why you were late— Oh who's that?" Narae looked behind Haesoo to see two boys enter the court

She was confused but when Haesoo turned around the two boys were Jay and Jake, and they were waving at her

Haesoo waved back at them which shocked Narae, "You know them? Who are they?"

"Sunghoon's friends," Narae nodded as she let Haesoo walk over to them

As Haesoo walked towards them, they also did by walking towards her, "Hi Haesoo nice you see you again," Jake greeted her then so did Jay

"Yeah! It's nice you guys were able to join us, where's Sunghoon?"

"He's late we suppose, he didn't come with us"

"It's fine, come. You guys can join them in basketball"

Jake and Jay followed Haesoo toward her classmates and soon introduced them to everyone

Thankfully, they didn't mind and right away they were all hanging out and talking to one another

Haesoo and the other girls in her class were sitting on the bleachers and talking to one another, while the rest were playing basketball

"Sunghoon's friends look good as well, I wonder what school Sunghoon attended to have so much good-looking people attend that school"

"Too bad it's our last year, we can't transfer," they all jokingly say

Haesoo laughed at their comments too, Sunhee on the other hand did not say anything as well as the other girls who had boyfriends

As they continued to converse with one another, Haesoo's attention was soon diverted to two kids nearby playing on the concrete with their chalks

Haesoo tilted her head debating whether she wanted to ask if she could borrow or not

Though her boredom kicked in and soon she was walking over to the kids

"Hello! Can I borrow your chalk?" she says and one of the kids was kind enough to give her one, "you can have it!"

"Thank you~ You're so cute," she paused in her sentence, she didn't say I love you since it might be a little weird especially since it's a child, and the child didn't know her so instead she patted his head before she walked back to her friends

Right in front of the bleachers she started to draw something on the ground, she was walking like a duck as she drew

"What are you doing?" she looked up to see Sunghoon, once she finished one more stroke she stood up and looked at him

She pointed to the ground, "I'm gonna play hopscotch," Sunghoon can't help but laugh at what she said, "what? Hopscotch?"

"What's so funny?" Sunghoon shook his head, "nothing"

"It's not snowing so the ground is clear, which allows me to draw," she pushed Sunghoon away to grab a rock that was near him

Sunghoon watched the girl as she started playing hopscotch, which was very random though As he placed his stuff down on the bleachers he saw a few other classmates joining her

Sunghoon watched them as he sat down on the bleachers, even though he was being offered by his friends to join them he was pretty tired

"Why are you late anyways?" Haesoo asked him once she was done playing hopscotch

She sat beside Sunghoon and grabbed an unopened water bottle for her to drink, "I had practiced"

She almost spat out her water as she wanted to reply to what he said, "For your figure skating?"

Sunghoon nodded and she nodded as well, "That's so cool, so you can do those many turns and stuff?"


Haesoo continued asking more question to Sunghoon about figure skating, she found it fascinating that she had a classmate who took figure skating seriously, as a sport

"You can watch me skate sometimes if you'd like"

"Really? Sure! Just invite me, you have my number anyways"

Soon Jake and Jay walked up to the two and sat with them, "I'm so tired!" Jake sighed as Haesoo handed him a water bottle

He thanked her before accepting the water, "what are you guys talking about?" Jay asked

"Sunghoon's figure skating stuff," Haesoo replied and Jay nodded, "is that why you were late?" Jake asked Sunghoon and he hummed in response

"You were late too Haesoo"

"You guys too!"

"We weren't actually, we just stayed in the car and waited for you or Sunghoon to appear, since we didn't know anyone else"

"Oh..." Jake laughed at Haesoo's apologetic reaction, "It's okay though"

Jake and Haesoo were talking and Sunghoon was there sitting and resting, Jay continued to play basketball with the others

Narae and Sunhee looked at Haesoo who had company so they didn't go to talk to her

"Haesoo!" a shout was heard from afar, everyone turned to see it was her brother

"Let's go!" Haesoo sighed and looked at everyone and bid them goodbye

"Thanks for inviting us Haesoo," Jay says and Jake nodded before he gave Haesoo a hug

"No problem! It was nice to see you guys again, bye!!" she shouts as she was running towards her brother

♡ '・ᴗ・ '♡

I Love You || PSHOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora