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Explanation and Summary

Before I start the explanation, I'd like to quickly introduce myself. My name is Grace, I go by he/she/they, and I'm 18. I am the one creating this parody, so I am not the author of the original story. ALSO, if you are under 13 DO NOT READ THIS, please keep your sanity for at least a little bit longer... Seriously though, don't read this if you're under 13. I mean you're not really supposed to be on Wattpad if you're under 13 anyways.

ANYWAYS, what is My Immortal? (TW//mentions of SH/Suicide. All sections with the related topics will be bordered with double brackets [[like this]]

My Immortal is a Harry Potter fanfic posted on FanFiction.net sometime between 2006 and 2007. It was written by a self-entitled goth who went by Tara Gilesbie, or [[XXXbloodyrists666XXX]], and chapters 1-15 are co-written by someone named Raven. Neither of their identities are 100% known to this day, and it's unknown whether or not these two people were trolls or actual goths.

Back in the late 2000s, goth culture was quite different. Back then, Hot Topic actually looked like an emo store, famous emo songs like Bring Me to Life and My Immortal by Evanescence had JUST come out only a few years prior, and My Chemical Romance was still very active prior to their 6 year hiatus starting in 2013. [[Gothic people from that time (at least Tara, anyway) seemed to enjoy romanticizing messed up shit, since self harm is off handedly mentioned in the story more than once before being immediately swept under the rug, and Tara would threaten to cut her wrists if people didn't give good reviews on her fanfiction. Her profile on FanFiction.net listed one of her likes as "suicide."]] (NOTE: ALL SH/SUICIDE RELATED THINGS IN THIS FANFICTION ARE OMITTED FROM THIS PARODY.) Due to this, shitty, over-the-top angsty writing, poor grammar, and emo lingo (wich lukd lik dis!!! XP) caused this fanfiction to reach infamous status and is considered to be the worst fanfiction ever written (which is very debatable nowadays.)

The fanfiction was deleted from FanFiction.net in 2008 during a massive sweep by FanFiction.net admins, likely either due to copyright infringement and/or NSFW content, but it was thankfully archived, and so I can access it and create a parody of it in the lord's year of 2023.

The plot surrounds a girl named Ebony (replaced by Dancing Banana in this parody), who goes to Hogwarts (replaced by Shovelware Studios Hollywood) and falls in love with Draco Malfoy (replaced by Pear.) Ebony was allegedly commonly referred to as a Mary Sue by readers, and Dumbledore was also out of character, although I can't confirm that part because I haven't read Harry Potter in years so I have no idea what Dumbledore acts like. Quick note by the way: I don't ship Pearnana, but since it's such a common ship I found it most fitting for the story.

My Immortal also includes sex scenes that sound like they were written by someone who just learned what sex is. Those scenes are omitted from the writing with a [REDACTED DUE TO NSFW CONTENT], but it isn't omitted from the plot, as in it's still implied that the scenes happened. That being said, like I stated earlier, please do not read this if you are under 13. It still contains mature themes, even if all of the sex scenes are omitted.

I am typing this fanfiction out for the most part so that it deviates enough from the original but is still very accurate to the wording of the original, mainly because I don't want this parody to look like a shitty copy and paste with a few character names replaced.

With all of that out of the way, I hope you all find this parody fanfiction funny and/or cringeworthy!


My Immortal but it's SWBG and super epicWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt