1- The Last Moments of Aaron Miles

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Tw: Death, mentions of death

Rocks.  Lots of rocks.  Very tall sharp rocks.  Wait a minute- where the hell am I?

I wish I could say that I was being smart.  But honestly, a "dumbass" wouldn't even cut it close to explaining.

I was currently dangling over 50 feet in the air above Caldon Canyon, tangled in the vines off Saint Thomason Bridge.  I felt my body sway in the wind with every slight mobe my body made.  My heart beating like a drum, my lungs taking fast shallow breaths, and my entire body pumping with energy from the adrenaline rush.  A slow breeze ruffled my hair, blowing it into my eyes and leaving me temporarily blinded.  I took a few half full breaths before looking up to see a black haired boy leaning over the side of the bridge.

Above me, my close friend Coby Green stared down at me. His mouth was dangling open and his long, curly, jet black hair was blowing in his face. His amber eyes were glaring down at me angrily, his eyebrows scrunched up.

"Why the hell would you try that?" He yelled down to me in a scolding tone.

"I live life on the edge?" I yelled back. I wasn't really sure why I thought doing a ollie off a bridge over a literal death drop would be a good idea. It was a spur of the moment.

His expression turned to annoyance as he yelled "Bad pun." He then rolled his eyes. "Stay there. Im going to call...someone." He said pulling out his phone. He looked as though he didn't know whether to call 911 or my mom.

"Ah yes. I will just get up and walk away" I thought sarcastically as a looked back down to judge my predicament.

I was currently dangling upside down off of a bridge, my feet, arms, and torso entangled in the lush overgrowth. The small thorns pricking my limbs. I had caught my breath fast enough to watch my skateboard fall below me and shatter against the rocks below. That thing cost a lot of money, but I was lucky to have the vines keeping me from having the same fate.

Then I tilted my head back up again, and Coby wasn't there.

"Coby?" I yelled up, confused as to where he went. That's when I heard his scream and fear for my friend immediately flooded my body. My lungs taking faster breaths and my heart completely ruining the "calmed down" vibe I had going for me.

"Coby!" I screamed again, thrashing in my vine prison. I started to try and climb up, though soon realizing that wasn't possible. The vines were cutting off circulation to my arms and legs. Squeezing them past the point of comfort.

I had just begun thinking of possible escape plans before losing all hope.  That's when I saw a hand holding a small pocket knife peek over the side of the bridge and start slicing the vines.

"Hey! Wait what are you doing? Im down here! Is my friend okay?" I screamed, as I watched the knife continue to slice my safety net. The words pouring out of my throat as panic began to set in. If this person kept cutting the vines, I'd claim the same fate as my skateboard.

"Please! Please! Please!" I begged over and over again, anxiety making my voice rise higher and higher each time I said the word.

The person above seemed careful to keep their face out of my view as they kept slicing away the one thing keeping me above a 50 foot fall into the canyon below. By now, my limbs were starting to turn every shade of purple, blue, red, and pink from loss of blood flow.

That's when I felt myself fall. It was a sudden rush of air trying to push my body up as I fell.  My stomach dropped to my feet as gravity stole my body and dragged me farther and farther down the canyon. The wind rushed through my hair, whipping my face harder and harder and my eyes widened in horror.

I tried to think about how I could possibly get out of this situation but they don't teach about how to survive a fall to death in school. That's when I saw how close the ground was and I opened my mouth for a final scream before a terrible pain shot through my entire body for a moment and the world went dark.

(authors note)
Hey guys, its me! My name is Vincent. I'm a teenager whos dream is to be an author. If you're reading this, id greatly appreciate it if you could leave helpful tips on grammar, words to use, etc. Maybe even some plot ideas! See you in a later chapter!

(806 words)

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