Chapter 23 : Mint Cabbage Soup = Nightmare

Start from the beginning

It looked like, if she could not find the answer, Jungkook would not let her eat the good food.

She was really so hungry...... and wished to eat some food with more substance ah!

She lowered her head, and depressingly scooped a spoonful of soup, just as she was about to eat, Jungkook suddenly spoke.

"You're not happy."

"Ah? Not happy?" Lisa forced herself to smile, "Why wouldn't I be happy? This is a 3 Michelin stars restaurant soup ah! No matter how many bowls I drink I won't get sick of it!"

"Then continue to drink it."

The sides of Lisa's mouth twitched, blue veins pooping from her forehead, but she just couldn't get angry.

Why wasn't the person sitting in front of her not Song Yi Ran? If it were him, she would be able to directly pour the bowl of soup onto his head!

And Jungkook just lifted the knife and fork, the fork didn't even touch the prawn on the plate, the knife gently glided through, a piece of prawn was picked, and slowly entered his mouth.

The whole time, his knife and fork had no sounds of collision, even as the angle of his raised arm changed, the sense of coordination between his wrist and the utensils were like moves that were carefully calculated, pleasant.

The process of him eating was neither fast nor slow, everything here went according to his rules, including time.

Lisa lowered her head, and continued to drink the soup. In her mind, she continuously wondered what fruit could be used to make soup?

It seemed like there was only the tomato right?

But from the colour of this soup, no matter what, it wouldn't be tomatoes ah.

Lisa stealthily retrieved her phone from her pocket, muted the phone, and then quickly searched: fruits used in western cuisine.

One search, and she did not expect a multitude of fruits.

So Lisa decided to narrow her search, and directly searched "mint cabbage soup", immediately the recipes came up, suddenly her eyes lighted up.

Ai! So it was this ah! The foreigners seem to use this fruit a lot when they cook!

"It's oranges right?" Lisa asked.

Jungkook's face continuously had no expression.

"Not right."

These two words made the originally happy Lisa suddenly feel depressed.

It's actually not oranges! The recipes on the web had obviously written oranges, okay!


"Not right."


"Not right."

Let's all have a fruits party everyone!

Lisa was full of tears in her heart.

Has she really eaten this fruit before?

The appetizer in front of Jungkook had already changed to the main dish, but Lisa was starting on her third bowl of mint cabbage soup.

The originally sweet and refreshing soup had lost its charm, she really wished she had a smaller head, to directly drown herself.

"Was the search engine good?"

When Lisa had finished the third bowl of soup, Jungkook finally opened his mouth.

"Cough cough cough......" Lisa coughed till there were golden stars in her eyes.

This chap actually saw it? How did he see it?

Didn't Mr Mayer say that he could only differentiate light?

"I can give you a hint. It's not bananas, not grapefruit, not American red grapes, not blackcurrants, not blueberries, not strawberries. Has your search range narrowed a little?"

Jungkook's voice was like the water overflowing through cracks in the ice fountain, calm and indifferent.

Even if Lisa were an idiot, she would also know that he was mocking her!

She could only silently put her phone back into her pocket, and go red due to her trying to be smart.

"You figured out almonds, cabbage, mint, parsley, but you are unable to figure out the last fruit, have I overestimated you?"

Jungkook put his knife and fork down, that pair of eyes was obviously empty, but it made Lisa feel inexplicable pressure.

His voice had no intonation, but it was sharp as a sharpened needle piercing through Lisa's heart.

She was angry, really furious. The other party had already finished the main dish, she was still with a bowl with nothing in it!

Did she miss something here?

When the entrée was removed, and changed to the dessert, Lin Ke Song had already drunk the fifth bowl of soup.

She still did not know what the fruit was.

And Jungkook's posture to his expression did not change at all.

What's the point of clinging onto this?

This isn't even some soup that must be drunk! Apart from this mint cabbage soup, isn't there the cream of mushroom soup, borscht, or the Chinese style chicken soup, duck soup and pork rib soup!

Lisa propped her forehead on a hand, Jungkook Fan did not eat the dessert, but held his cane with both hands, and looked at Lisa.

He was like a barbaric ruler.

It was obvious that he himself had the answer, but he wanted the whole world to know everything like the palm of their hands, just like him!

When the eighth bowl of soup was served, she had absolutely no desire to lift the spoon.

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