14. Comfort items and comfort people 🧸💚❤️💜💙

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"And you said I don't have to remember any of it." Blitzø reminded.

"But, dear, if we keep to a schedule, eventually your mind will just regress without any unnecessary stress to trigger it. It just may take some time to get used to." Stolas says.

Blitzø frowns and thinks about it, he doesn't like the idea, again, has nothing to do with Stolas. But, that's way out of his comfort zone and it's also far too intimidate in general.

Stolas realizes how uneasy Blitzø looks so he marks off the rule. "You don't have to agree, you can decide if or when the moment arises. Sound good?" He asks.

Blitzø breathed a sigh of relief. It sure sounded better. "Yeah. Okay."

Stolas smiles. "Good. Now, discipline. This one is kind of important and will take some trial and error. I think a simple talking to will normally suffice, but if more extreme bad behavior arises I will simply use time outs, or taking away certain privileges such as tv, sweets, or toys."

Blitzø doesn't really know how to respond, it sounds fine, he supposed. So he just nods, giving Stolas his approval even though he won't even remember it.

Stolas adds. "Of course, I'd never take away any comfort items, don't worry about that."

Blitzø blinked at him questionably. He won't take away the things he loved most?

Stolas saw his confusion. "What's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing...I'm just- is it even a punishment if you only take things...'the kid' doesn't care about?" Blitzø asks, recalling the time his father threw away his favorite stuffed horse when he turned five a grew an attitude. He wasn't trying to make Stolas stricter or anything, just questioning his methods.

"Well, it's one thing to take an object that is causing you distraction or tempting you to misbehave. If you're throwing blocks, it makes sense to take them away if you can't help yourself, right?" Stolas asks.

Blitzø shrugs. "I guess."

"But, it's another thing to take away something that helps you calm down like a pacifier or a stuffed animal. Especially if you're in trouble or in distress, having those objects will only bring you comfort and to take that away wouldn't teach you anything! It'll just be cruel." Stolas explains.

"Huh. Alright. Makes sense." Blitzø shrugs. "I guess."

"I'll also have a reward system in place such as: sweets, stickers, and lots of praise for good behavior."

Blitzø hums in response.

"Oh! Also, I should make a list of all the things I need to get for you that I forgot." Stolas says. "Extra Bottles, pacifiers, baby food, bibs..."

Blitzø blushed at the thought of Stolas feeding him baby food. He says this a lot- but why the fuck did he have to be a regressor?

"You sure I'm not...you know, too much trouble?" Blitzø asks. "You do seem to have a lot of rules here." He says.

Stolas walks closer to him and meets his eyes. "You are never too much trouble, darling." Stolas says, he takes Blitzø's face in his hands. "You will never be too much for me, do you understand that?" Stolas asks.

Blitzø blushes even more. "Uh- o...okay." Blitzø answers.

Stolas smiles and kisses Blitzø's forehead. "Good. The rules are only there to be sure you're safe. Has nothing to do with you being difficult." Stolas says.

"Ha! So, I am difficult! You admit it!" Blitzø shouts, as if he just proved a point.

Stolas smirks at him. "Well, yes. But not nearly as difficult as you are now."

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