Once I was dressed, I made my way down to the kitchen, finding both the Winchesters sitting at the table and enjoying a cup of coffee, searching their laptop screens for any leads on a new case.

"Good morning." I greeted them with a smile.

"Morning, Y/N." they both greeted me in unison with equally cheery grins.

"What we up to today?" I asked casually as I walked towards the counter, reaching up high into the cabinet to grab a coffee mug... and also to flash a bit of the fabric in order to subtly show Dean that I received his present.

"Same old, same old." Dean hummed, and I could easily pick up on the satisfaction in his voice.

"How are you feeling?" Sam asked.

"Much better. I slept way too long though. I've got too much energy now." I giggled. "Any leads?" I poured myself some coffee before walking behind Sam, peering over his shoulder to examine his laptop screen with him.

"Nothing yet. You sure you're ready to get back in the saddle already, though?" he questioned with a weary voice.

"Yes, Sam." I sighed. "It was just an off hunt. We've all had 'em. I'm perfectly fi-" my words trailed off into a loud gasp as I felt a sudden, foreign sensation start radiating harshly from between my thighs.

It started instantaneously... a vigorous vibration right up against my sensitive bundle of nerves, shooting an intense, pleasurable feeling throughout my core. It was like nothing I'd felt before, and I nearly dropped my coffee mug right onto Sam as it rapidly overwhelmed me.

I quickly gripped onto Sam's shoulder, trying to keep myself standing as my knees trembled a bit at the feeling of my clit being stimulated in such a way...but almost as quickly as it started....it vanished.

What.....the fuck.....was that?

"Woah... what's wrong?" Sam turned around in his seat, eyeing me with pure worry.

"I uh... I don't know..." I mumbled, placing a hand to my lower abdomen as the strange pleasure slowly began to dissipate from my body.

I glanced over to Dean, and noticed his face was buried behind his coffee mug...but it was doing absolutely nothing to conceal the wide, devious grin stretched across his face. My eyes darted down to his other hand...which rested against the jean pocket on his thigh...his fingers clutching onto a small, black remote.

Oh. Oh fuck. These aren't normal panties, are they?

I'd never used toys. None of my past hookups had been that kinky... and I was on the clock too much to invest in one for myself. At first I thought they were kinda pointless... but that...? Well, there's another thing Dean taught me about myself that I didn't know.

"Are you alright??" Sam asked, slightly panicked.

"Uh... yeah. Cramps, I guess." I quickly thought up an excuse on the fly.

"Oh. Damn, that sucks." Sam huffed as he turned back to his laptop, clearly sorry that he'd asked.

I glared at Dean, subtly shaking my head. He gave me back a menacing wink, before his thumb clicked the button on the remote, immediately starting up the intense vibrating once again.

I stepped away from Sam, now reaching for the counter for support as the pleasure resumed. I had to turn away from them both, as I bit my lip as hard as I could to stifle the moan trying to claw its way from my throat, and my eyes rolled back slightly as I felt myself grow wet. The speed of the vibrating was so rapid... and the source of it was placed in just the perfect spot.

Dark Tendencies: A Female Reader x Dean Winchester FicWhere stories live. Discover now