Chapter 8

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Sasuke's POV

I stop what I'm doing after I heard those words coming from Naruto's girlfriend. I think that my action gives this b*tch hope that I'm considering her words and that I indeed have feelings for her. Thinking about it made me laugh maniacally.

"Me!? Wants you!!!??" I laugh even harder.

"Who gives you that horrible idea!!?" I uttered between my laughter.

"B-but you always told me that I-I'm yours" this pink haired b*tch stutter.

I look at her like she have grown another head.

"Ahh you're assuming things!!" I spat at her in disgust and glares spitefully at her.

"If I want you or have any feelings towards you, why would I hit you with a paddle, tied you up and laugh at your crying state!?" I asked her as I continue to laugh.

Sakura's POV

After Sasuke uttered those words, it finally sink in my mind that Sasuke is right... If he really have feelings for me he would've showered me with hugs and kisses instead of doing these crazy stuff feat horrible things.

"T-then why!? Why are you doing this Sasuke!!?" I shouted angrily at Sasuke.

"Because I hate it when Naruto always talked about you!! How he loves you so much!! How beautiful you are!! Sakura loves this!! Sakura loves that!! Its f*cking annoying dammit!"

Sasuke yelled those words with raged towards me while gripping my shoulder tightly and sinking his sharp nails into it.

"I always say to myself that you are so lucky to have such a perfect boyfriend..but what did you do!!!? You hurt him!! You even put an ugly scar on his perfect face!!! And I hated you more because of that!!! How could you hurt someone who loves you so much!!??" Sasuke angrily shouted those words while shaking me furiously.

Author's POV

All Sakura could do is cry harder because she remembered how Naruto loves her. In her mind, the image of the blond's sweetness and kindness to her, even his smile and promises of lovely things towards her keep on popping up. This realization hit her hard and regretful sobs leave her mouth, thinking what an idiot she was for not returning Naruto's love and for letting go of a man who truly loves her.

Sasuke watch Sakura's pitiful state with glee and mockingly wipe away the tears flowing freely from her eyes.

"But don't worry" Sasuke suddenly speak so Sakura's attention diverted onto him once again.

"You won't hurt cute little Naruto again" Sasuke smiles sweetly, but Sakura find that it looks creepy on him.

As Sakura keep on looking at Sasuke, her brain is trying hard to understand why does the raven did all of these, what does he mean with those words if he doesn't have feelings for her. She's also trying to comprehend why does Sasuke concerns himself too much with Naruto when the said blond is just his friend.

Sakura got caught up on her own thoughts however, she still managed to watch every move Sasuke makes and to her horror the raven lift up the knife he's holding once again.

"S-sasuke please stop this, please" Sakura pleaded once more but Sasuke shakes his head and replied.

"I'm sorry (author - he's not sorry at all) but I won't let you hurt Naruto again. Don't worry I'll be the one who's going to take care of him after this and before you die I promise to you that I will treasure him, I won't hurt him like what you did and I will only give him pleasure and not pain" Sasuke said those words with so much love and tenderness that it finally sink into Sakura's head.

"Y-yo" Sakura couldn't even finished what she was going to say when Sasuke stabbed the knife into her beating heart. The heart that now beats for Naruto.

Chapter 8 ☑️

Do you think Sasuke was being mean to her!? Or you thought she deserves it? Let Author-san know pleaseeeeee.

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