Chapter 64: A divine move

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I looked at Isaac with a mischievous glint in my eyes, causing him to raise an eyebrow in curiosity. He couldn't help but ask, "Why are you looking at me like that, Bella?" He asked me through our mindlink.

I grinned playfully, ready to share my plan. "Well, Isaac, I have an idea that could help us outsmart Athena, but I'll need your support."

Isaac's expression shifted to a mix of intrigue and caution. "Okay, Bella. I'm listening. What's your plan?"

I looked at him with glint of mischievousness and told him my plan with every intricate detail. His eyes got wide after hearing my plan and he nodded giving me a green flag. I smiled knowing that maybe, now maybe I can outsmart Athena. This time I will not let her win and this time it will be a divine move and the last fight.

"We need to fake our distance," I explained to Isaac, "make it seem like we're growing apart and falling out of love. That way, Athena will think she's successfully manipulating us."

Isaac nodded, his eyes filled with determination. "Exactly. We'll act distant in public, avoid any displays of affection, and even have staged arguments. It will convince her that we're playing right into her hands."

We meticulously devised a series of actions and scenarios that would support the illusion of our separation. We would communicate secretly through our mindlink.

"It's crucial that we maintain a convincing facade," I emphasized. "We have to make her believe that her plan is working. We can't let anyone know this. Let everyone believe that this is real."

I watched as Isaac stood up abruptly, dusting off his clothes and distancing himself from me. His words cut through me like a knife, his tone filled with apparent resentment and hurt.

"I can't feel anything for you anymore," he declared, his voice laced with a mixture of anger and disappointment. "You broke my trust by going to Athena. I can't even look at you right now."

My heart sank but then I comfort my heart by telling it, its just a ruse.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I tried to find the right words to convey my remorse. "Isaac, I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I thought it was the best way to protect everyone, including you. I was wrong, and I understand if you can't forgive me."

He turned away, refusing to meet my gaze. The pain etched on his face was a painful reflection of the shattered trust between us.

"I need some time," Isaac said, his voice tinged with a mixture of sorrow and anger. "I need to figure out if I can trust you again, if we can rebuild what's been broken."

I nodded, my voice choked with tears. "Take all the time you need, Isaac. I'll be here, hoping for the chance to make things right and prove that I'm worthy of your trust again."

As I watched Isaac turn away, his expression filled with pain and disappointment, I couldn't help but feel a mix of sadness and relief. Deep down, I knew that this was all part of our plan, a carefully orchestrated act to deceive Athena.

His words echoed in my mind, reminding me of our agreement to make Athena believe that we were falling apart. I had to remind myself that this distance between us, this faked turmoil, was all for a greater purpose – to protect our loved ones and ultimately defeat Athena.

Suppressing a smile, I masked my true emotions and allowed a few tears to escape. I wanted to make it believable, to convince even myself that this facade was our reality. It was a difficult charade to maintain, especially when my heart ached for his closeness, but it was a sacrifice we had agreed upon.

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