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Bet your tired of my A/N's sorry about them BUT I have some good news!

I'M M BACK. for now

And I've have been working to develop new stories.

So am I continuing this one?

I might it's a big possibility but I might.

And the other one?

Eh I really just had an idea with no plan so don't expect updates on that one.

So what happens to the pjo book?

I'm working on it very slowly btw. Mainly because no body answered my question so that's a main reason.

Maby you guys aren't PJO fans....

Oh well.

Also if I do continue this book my writing style has changed sightly.
Ever so slightly.

Ok so onto other news!

I've created a PJO book that I'm free writing so that should be posting soon. I'll put a little blurb after my other news.
I'm having so much fun with this book. The pjo one. So if your a fan check it out when I post it.

Other news!
I'm might might be creating my own original story!!!!

Isn't that exciting!
I'm so happy! I literally thought... 'hhmm I wonder if I could... ' and it went from there. I had the idea for a while now but I had started writing and was like meh. Now I'mma try to finish it and post it for people to read!
And yes im going to give you a sneak peek but sense it's still a work in progress I only have a description.  But I have a title it's called: Secrets Best Left Alone.

I'm in love with my own title. If that makes any sense.

Now for the sneak peeks :

Secrets Best Left Alone:

Jasmine is still struggling with her sisters disappearance even though it happen 4 years ago.

Rebecca can't handle the fact that her daughter ran away and under a random coincidence she finds her in the hospital with a gun shot wound.

Jason is trying to keep is family's life together despite the fact he's dealing with a daughter who is depressed and has PTSD and another daughter who refuses to tell the truth

Jack is trying to stay out of the spotlight know his problems aren't that great.

Jessica resurfacing buts she's is in a hospital with a gun shot wound and refuses to tell how she got is.

What was Jessica tied up with and what does it have to do with her running away?
Everybody knows some secrets are best left alone but this secret might tear a family apart. So who's gonna spill first?

And the other:
I'm not liking my title for this one so it might change but maby I won't change this sneak peek is actually two chapters but for you guys I merged it into one and you'll find out how it actually written when you read it (if you read it)

It's called btw this is us.

I sighed while the teacher endlessly talks about who knows what and why. I lay my head down and close my eyes
Maby he won't notice if I took a nap....

"Alana Smith! What are you doing!?" Mr. Fitz Shouts

I bolt up and say, "nothing sir."

"That's what I thought. Detention after school!" He said while giving me an evil eye. "Let this be a lesson children. Some teaches might let you sleep in class but I will never let you do that do you understand? '

" Yes Mr. Fitz." The class groans and glare at me.

I sigh letting my head hit the desk and look at my school books

Someone knocks on the door.

"Ah I see our new student is here." Mr. Fitz stands up and goes to open the door.

"Welcome," Mr. Fitz grabs a piece of paper. "Nico DiAngelo isn't it?"

"Yes." A deep but not to deep (if that makes sense)  and slightly  annoyed voice responds

"Come in and introduce yourself." Mr. Fitz says completely ignoring the fact that he already said the students name.

They walk in

Nico is a pale male with dark chocolate eyes and equally dark hair. He's also around the 5"6 range (I actually don't know if that's true or not but for this that's how tall he is)

" Hi I'm Nico DiAngelo. "

Guess how many parts I have for it.

16 parts
16 PARTS!!!!
For me that's allot I'm barely hitting 16 with this book!!

Anyway I'm out and see ya wherever you end up at.

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