Chapter 10 part one

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"Y/N wake up!" Hunters voice calls.
I've been here for a couple weeks now and I enjoy hanging out with Hunter. He kinda undrstands my moods and leaves me alone when I want to be left alone.

"Come on Y/N! Unless you want to get left behind!"

"Alright I'm up." I roll off the side of the bed hitting the floor with a light thud.
But Hunter was prepared he put pillows on the ground to soften the fall.

"Oof thanks."I get up grab my bag and head to the bathroom. I shower and  wash my hair I put it in a ( low or high ) ponytail than I put on a purple shirt.

"Were going to the knee!" Hunter yells.

"You tell me this now." I mutter.

I grab a ( purple or pink) long sleeved shirt sweatpants and one of Hunter's sweatshirts that I 'borrowed' and walk out.

"Is that my sweatshirt?" Hunter asks tuning a little pink.

"Uhhh maby?" I mumble and he goes red.

I head to his closet and grab some fluffy boots
( you might be asking where did y/n get all the clothes from the went to the owl houses and grabbed a bunch of her shoes for a week and magiced the bag to have an endless supply of her clothes)
I also grab Hunter's coat and my hat. And put that coat around my waist and the hat and my head like a beanie. Than I pick up Silvia who was on my pillow. Hunter has on the scout uniform.

"Is that even warm?"


"So where are we going?"

"Something called Eclipse Lake."

"Oh never heard of it before." I muttered

"Its supposed to have Titians blood."



"Ok it lets hope our disguises hold up and we can pass though like guards!"

"I recognize that annoying voice!" Kikimora's voice screeches as she shoots a bolt of magic at the tree we were hiding behind
We take off
"Ok.. New plan uhh." Hunter spots something. "Aha! They can lead us!"

Lil rascal chirps.

"I dont speak palismen....... Heres the plan."

I muffle a laugh.
Lil rascal pulls at Hunter's hair strand making him tumble into the clearing.
I hear noise but I can't really hear what their saying so I poke my head out to see what's happening.

"Well that was easy." I hear king say

"Not so fast dont you recognize that annoying voice?" Eda asks staring at Hunter.

"Why does everyone say that?" Hunter mutters. They just stare at him. Hunter spots an opportunity to run and tries to but Amity captures him with her abomination goo.

"That's the Golden Guard? He's alot scrawner than I expected."

King and Eda laugh
I slide down the side of the hill and walk over to Hunter than I pick him up.

"Y/N!" Eda exclaimsme
"Hey guys." I give a small wave.

"Y/N!" King hops on my head.

"Where have you been." Eda says in a motherly voice.

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