Chapter 9

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Your in for a long one so I suggest grabbing some snacks some water and getting comfortable but let's get started





I watch as Luz finishes her glyphs 

"What are they for?" Luz just grins and Goldie retuns bag in hand.

"I never see spells like this before what do the do?"

"Oh these are fire and ice glyphs and combing them I can produce a thick mist!"

I mutter under my breath. "What am I the third wheel?"

"And the sleeping nettles?"

"Their essential combined with the most I can produce a--"

"Sleep inducing mist!" Goldie interrupts than blushes "I read a similar spell in ' bones to earth."

"A study of wild magic!" I smile than look at Luz. "Didn't Eda pickpocket the dude who wrote it?

"Yup!" Luz says proudly

"I never seen magic peformed like this but its vary similar to magic perormed in the savage ages!"

"Really?" Luz and I ask

"Yeah!" Goldie looks excited. Cute i MeAn WeIrD. I blush a little"its very similar to elemental magic that they used!"

"Elemental magic?" I think of all the glyphs I've seen Luz use

"Actully not many people lnow this but..." He freezes. "No no no this stuff is restricted for a reason." He looks away. "You guys should forget about it befor your hurt."

"Uh huh." She looks at Goldie. "Other than Lilith I've never met anyone in the Emperor's coven.... What made you join?"

Goldie sighs and leans against the wall. "You were right before I'm a powerless witch a lot of my ancestors were.... And I thought I never have a future in a world like this..." He figets with his fingers. "Than Belos found me and gave me a staff with artificial magic.... Said the Titian has big plans for me...."

"At least you have your future figured out." Luz said sadly looking away

"At least you can figure out your own." Luz looks at Goldie shocked. 

The bird from earlier flew to Goldie making him jump. I sigh a little missing Silvia. Where is she?

"Hey!" He moved his arm causing the bird to flew away it lands on the ground and pecks at Goldie boot. You and Luz smile 

"Stop! Get away from me!" Goldie tries to separate from the bird

"He's just trying to be friendly." Luz says softly

"I dont care! These things are made from wild magic!" He uses his foot to push the bird away. "Its dangerous!"

I motion to the bird. "Does he seen dangerous to you?"

Golide looks at the bird. It chirps then it froze when it heard the growl. Kikimora's steed flew past us.

"Mask on!" Luz whispered-shouted. "Once there surrounded by the smoke well need to stay close to see where they land!"

Goldie and I nod

Luz studies Goldie then holds out his staff.

"Are you sure?" He asks surprised

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