Hunting palismen chapter 7

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What a long chapter name.....


I mean it's a bit similar but
diffrent sooo yeah but you have been warned

They took us to the grudgby field and Eda was there with Bump
"Today you witchlets will be getting your palismen." Bump starts
"Usually found my witches would carve their palismen but to the decreasing about of palismen wood I've teamed up With Bumpkins and the Bat queen to give you PALISMEN ADOPTION DAY!!" Eda explains
"I not to call me that." Bump says a little angry
"Palismen are your forever partner that help with your power like (what ever bumps palismen name is) helps me see."
Bumps palismen becomes a staff reveling long well taken care of hair
[Woah whats his secret?]
Than a dark shadow is cast and what must be the Bat queen swoops down
"Thanks for every thing bq." Eda says
"No no no it was my pleasure." She replies than she looks at us." All of these palismen have been forgotten but all of them long for companionship so state your desire and or ambition and a palismen that relates to you will claim you."
"I dont want a hamd me doen palismen ." Bosha whines
"Suit yourself!" Willow skips to the front.

After eveybody went -
Luz and y/n

Luz had started to cry when no palismen claimed her and bq said she had no ambition which I think os a lie but whatever
"Did everybody go?"
"Y/n didnt go." Willow calls
"Oh." I go up and kneel "I just want to be happy and protect everybody I can." I say
"Hhmmm I sense ambition from you but---"


A silver fox comes running out the woods and jumps on me.
"Woah." I scream  nearly falling the fox curls around my neck and lets out a purr
"Ive never seen a fox before." Bq mutters
"There was a legend about a silver fox but-" 
"It never came true." Eda imterups
Thr fox leaps off my shoulder and turns into a staff
"Does the fox have a name?" I ask grinning as I hold the staff
The fox barks
"No but its female." Bq translates
"Okkk.... Imma call you Silvia!"

(Sorry for not letting you choose your own palismen and palismen name I just really liked the idea of a silver fox and its name is Silvia if you want you can change it but its up to you)


"Hey y/n imma tale lil rascal back to the best wanna come?" Luz asks with a red bird in her hand
"Sure." I grab a sweatshirt and Silvia than I followed luz out the house.
After being bothered by hooty we finally reach the best but it's covered by a force field
Luz touches it. "I wonder how.." The bird flies down and pushes it with its beak.
The force field breaks
"Woah palismen magic.. Cool." Luz say in awe
Than she opens the door and crawls inside
"I'm not leaving until one of you become my palismen." She declares
"Ok." And I crawl in after her
I fall asleep pretty quickly but is awoken by a jolt
"Wha- what was that?" I say sleepily
"I dont know." Luz responds. "But I think we should check it out.."
"Ok.." I hold my hand out to Silvia who turns into a staff
Luz opens the door
"Ready as I'll ever be."
I hope into Silvia as Luz uses a glyph vines shoot up the side of the ship. I stay near her in case she falls.
Luz safely reaches the edge of the ship and pulls herself up.
"Oh him again." She mutters angrily. But I freeze its Goldie whistling catching tune
"Hhiiiiyyaaaaa!!" Luz hits him in the back
"Huh?" Goldie turns"Aarrrrrggggghhhhh!!"
"Luz!" I scold landing behind her
"He'll be fine." She looks around. "Now how do you land this thing?"
"Oh you just pull the cord above your head."
"Thank youu?!" Luz gets tied up and tossed to the back of the ship
"Good to see you to human." Goldie say sarcastically

(699 words)

Ok that took alot
Oh!! Who are you likening this so far? I know I know no hunter and y/n YET but just wait soon enough this is what chapter 7? Oof I havent even written chapter 9.... That might be winged..... Oh well
Seeya in the next one!!!!

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