Mermaid in the water, Angel on the beach: Poly Eric & Ariel x Hybrid!Reader

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Haii love your work

Can I request an Ariel x Fem! Reader x Eric where reader is a Mermaid human hybrid so when she goes on land she turns into a human and in the sea mermaid

She's a friend of Eric but likes him and mostly on land so Ariel doesn't know her, when she falls in love with Eric

When Ariel gets on land she meets Reader and slowly but surely starts falling in love with Reader too but she doesn't know who to be with

Until the defeat Ursula and got her voice back tells them she likes both of them and happy ending they all get married

Sorry if it's too much and thank you in advance ❤❤❤


You and Eric had been best friends for almost half of your lives and you may have a small crush on him, but there was one thing he didn't know about you was that you were half mermaid. See you were born under unique circumstances, Your mom a mermaid had mated with a human man who was a pirate that she had fallen in love with and thus you were created, and gave you the ability to walk on land as a human but if you went into water, you would grow a tail and have all your mermaid abilities.

"Alright, what's going on with you? You've got a dreamy look in your eye." You asked Eric. 

"You'll think I'm crazy." He said.

"Try me after all I'm your best friend." You said to him.

"So when I woke up on shore, I swore I saw a girl leaning over me, and her voice gosh that voice, it's stuck in my head, like a melody. I need to find her." He said. 

"I'm sure you'll find her. She has to be around here somewhere." You said sadly as you wished that it was you. 

It was a few days later and you had been walking around the castle looking for Eric when you saw him and a girl a beautiful girl at that, that you'd never seen before making you wonder if this was the girl he had told you about. 

"Y/n, this is Ariel. Ariel this is my friend y/n." He said as you two looked at each other. 

"It's so lovely to meet you, Ariel." You said shaking her hand confused when she didn't answer you making you look at Eric. 

"She can't talk, we found her washed up on the shore." He said as you nodded your head. 

"Even if you can't talk, I'm sure we will get along just fine." You said smiling at her as she did the same to you. 

The more time you spent together, the more you started to fall for her which was hard because you did like Eric a lot and kinda felt like you were moving in on his girl but how could you not, she was so beautiful and had so much wonder about her and could speak without actually speaking. 

Ariel was in the same boat as you, she had originally come on land to be with Eric but from the moment she met you, she found herself falling for you. You were different from Eric in some ways but you both loved the ocean and the unknown and you always made sure she felt included which mean spending time with her when Eric was busy. Now she felt even more torn on who her true love was because she had felt herself falling for both of you and she felt even more conflicted and could tell you liked Eric as well. 

So imagine both of ya'lls confusion and everyone else's when he came forward with a new woman he was going to marry. You noticed how Eric didn't seem like his usual self with this girl, so you walked over to admire her necklace which irritated her. 

"Can you stop?" She asked you getting annoyed. 

"I'm just admiring the quality." You said pulling it a little hard and making it fall to the ground with an oops. 

You watched as the necklace broke and the orb flew over to Ariel and into her mouth as she started to sing as Eric ran over to her.

"Eric there's so much I need to tell you and y/n!" She said.

"You are too late!" Vanessa shouted as a tail grew where Ariel's legs were making you and everyone shocked. 

"Too late red!" Ursula said taking off with Ariel into the sea.

"Ariel!" You said jumping in after her as Eric followed you on his boat. 

Eric and Ariel were both in shock seeing you with a tail, as you guys fought Ursla together.  Between the three of you, you were able to defeat her and rescue Eric and her dad who in turned gave Ariel her legs once he saw how happy she was with you two. 

"I know you have questions, but let me explain first." You said nervously making your way to land. 

"My mother was a mermaid like Ariel and she fell in love with a human pirate who used to travel these very waters and they ended up mating and thus me a human-mermaid hybrid which means I can walk on land and be human like you Eric but if I go in the water, I turn  back into a mermaid-like you Ariel." You said. 

"Wait you're the hybrid? My sisters used to tell me stories of you."  Ariel asked shocked. 

"Yes. After my mother died, I went to live with my dad for my protection and that's how I ended up meaning Eric and I never really had a reason to go back into the water. I'm sorry I never told you guys, especially you Eric." You said to them. 

"It's alright y/n. I understand why you did, why you both did it, but I must admit to you guys something. I love you both and don't want to have to choose between you two." He said looking at you two sadly.

"I mean I feel the same way, and I'd be open to being in a relationship with both of you." You said looking at both of them. 

"I would love that as well to be with the two people in this world I love the most." She said squeezing ya'lls hands.

And so it was set, the three of you aka the prince and his two mermaids got married and lived happily ever after exploring the unknown and living on the water. 

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