"She's still exhausting" Jeongin smiled "only now people love her for it"

"I was always loved for it" Hae sighed, leaning on Lee know

"It's hard to admit but you were" Baek-Hyun said "especially by my sister" he chuckled

"Oh yeah Baek-hyun and Hyun-Ae are siblings" Hae said "and of course she loved me, she's my wife" Hae grinned, stretching out her foot to tap hyun-ae's leg

"Married since grade 10" Hyun-ae nodded, patting Hae's foot "not to brag but I was the first one to know about company boy"

"Am I company boy?" Lee know asked

"Yeah" Chin-Sun nodded "we would always tease Hae about having a crush on you and then she did" she chuckled, shrugging lightly

"That makes me feel really special" he smirked, touching his heart

"It should" Ha-Joon nodded, chuckling "She was obsessed with you"

"Was?" Seungmin asked "She's still obsessed with him"

Hae faked laughed while everyone actually did and glared at him "You're sooo funny, Minnie" she sighed "Absolutely hilarious"


After  about 30 minutes of talking Hae stood up and patted Baek-Hyun's head "I'm gonna go see if i can find that card you gave me before i debuted" She said, walking away and into her bedroom

After a few moments of silence she heard Chin-Sun speak "Is Soon-Bok okay?" She asked

"What do you mean?" Changbin asked 

"I mean is she okay, in general" She explained "We all heard about everything she was going through and honestly she doesn't really go into depth of how bad it was"

"She's doing better" Bang chan said "It was really hard a few months ago but she's okay now. There's still a lot of hate but she's learnt how to deal with it"

"I felt so bad for her" Ha-Joon sighed "It was so weird seeing her on the news. She looked so different from how she did in school" 

"It was like she'd been drained" Hyun-Ae said "It was so hard seeing her like that"

"It was awful" Hyunjin said "We're all so used to her being happy all the time, so when she wasn't it was like our world had shattered"

Hae wiped her tears away and took a deep breath before walking back into the room "I found it" she smiled, sitting back down beside Lee know 

"Read it out" Lee know said, nudging her with his leg 

"I was about to" She said, narrowing her eyes at him "But you interrupted me"

"Excuse me" Lee know exclaimed, turning to her with a smile

"Come on guys, stop this hostility" Baek-Hyun said, smirking "You love eachother"

Both of them glared at him before Hae started reading "To, Bokie" she started "You're going to be such a good idol, like i know everybody is going to worship the ground you walk on, like Hyun-ae does but more! You're going to be a pro idol now, Bokie, not just a super cool trainee! And with company boy! the only thing i want is to be at your wedding, that is all. Now good bye, soon-bok. Love your amazing, smart, handsome best friend"

"Wow" Han laughed "You have a way with words"

"That i do" Baek-Hyun smiled "I was born for the author life"

"You're an author?" Felix asked

"mhm" He nodded "I've written five books"

"Any that we might have read?"

"He wrote 'Not now' Hyunjin i know you read that" Hae smiled

"I love that book!" 


The group decided that Felix, Chin-sun, Han and Hae would go to the nearest convenience store and get snacks for them all. They walked to the shop and started choosing which snacks they would buy "Lixie, they have the things you really like" Hae said, pointing to a pack of cookies 

Felix started smiling and hopped over to her, reaching for the packet "oh yeah! Thanks, sunny" he grinned, hugging the snack pack

"no problem, lixie" She laughed, patting his head. They looked around for a few more minutes before Han tapped Hae's shoulder "Yeah" she said, spinning around

"I have a present" He sighed, hiding something behind his back

Hae smiled "Well that's funny because i have something for you" she grinned

"Show on three" Han said

The two counted down and reveled the items they got for each other. Han had gotten Hae a star shaped cookie and Hae had gotten Han a stick of his favorite gum. They both gasped as they looked at the items and laughed "I can't believe you remembered" Han laughed, taking the gum from her hand and kissing the pack

"And thank you for the cookie" She smiled, taking the cookie "Everytime i chew it i'll think of you" she chuckled, walking to the check out


Hae linked arms with Chin-sun as they walked back to the dorm. They were waiting for the light to turn green when Chin-sun whispered "They're recording us" Hae looked around and saw about 15 people holding their phones out and filming them. 

she sighed and looked at the ground, holding onto Chin-sun's arm tighter. Chin-sun held Hae's hand as well as her arm while she looked at Han and Felix "I'll be right back" she whispered to Hae before letting Han and Felix comfort Hae 

"What are you going to do?" Felix asked Chin-Sun

"I'm gonna ask them to stop" She responded, walking over to the people recording "Excuse me, could you guys please stop recording them" she said to the fans "I get that it's exciting to see idols but they're people as well and they just want to go home"

"Oh yeah" One nodded "We're sorry" most of the fans stopped recording and Chin-Sun went back to Hae, Han and Felix. They went into the dorm and Hae immediately went to where Lee know was sitting

"Have you always protected her like that?" Han asked Chin-sun

"I guess" She nodded "She's one of my oldest friends, and i just hate to see her upset or nervous so i've always tried everything i can to make sure she doesn't feel that way"

"I'm glad she has friends like you" Felix smiled, hugging Chin-sun

"I'm glad she has friends like you guys too" She smiled


The group spent the next hour laughing and talking, but sadly the four had to leave "We're seeing each other next Thursday, right?" Hae asked them

"Of course" Baek-Hyun exclaimed "Not even a tsunami could stop me from our weekly coffee catch ups"

"Same" Ha-Joon smiled

Hae smiled at the two before turning to see Chin-sun talking to Lee know "Thank you for helping Soon-bok when i couldn't" Chin-sun said

He smiled and nodded "I'm always here for her, so don't worry" Hae smiled and walked over to the two, wrapping her arm around Lee know's waist while he wrapped his around her shoulder. They said good bye to the four and went to sleep soon after.

Sunny |9th member of skzOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz