A is for 'Absence'

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TW: Implied/Referenced Character Death

Absence. A 7-letter word separated by an undefined distance and an immeasurable amount of time; a simple concept that has such complicated emotions attached to it. There are the small absences that leave people with a tingle in their stomachs and the extra spring in their steps as they anticipate the return of their loved one. There are the slightly longer absences that cause the heart to ache a little bit more, but that also make the reunions that much sweeter. Losing yourself in the fragrance of your loved one's hair and the way their arms wrap around you; something so familiar, yet upon returning it feels so brand new. And then there are the absences that completely turn the world upside down and leave broken shadows of human beings in their wake. Those absences are the hardest because they are often unexpected and they have no definitive ending.

Standing in a field covered with a light blanket of snow, the life of the Earth could be heard all around. The birds chirped in their nests as the leaves danced effortlessly through the sky. The breath escaping from everyone's mouths was visible in the crisp winter air, and the crunch of footsteps could be heard regardless of how lightly a person tread. It was a place that held so many untold stories and so many treasured memories, but oftentimes it was a place filled with silence.

"Remember the first time you had to work a 24-hour shift after you'd moved in together?" Mason interrupted the silence and giggled as he recalled the numerous phone calls and messages he had received from his seemingly bored older sister. "It was the first time I realised how much she had really changed." A smile tugged on the corner of his lips as they stood, reminiscing on the day.


"Bambina! I have to go to work!" The room filled with laughter and squeals as Carina tried to escape from Maya's hold. She was currently wrapped around her like a koala with her face nuzzled tightly in the brunette's neck.

"Nope. I'm never letting go." Maya's voice was muffled as she spoke into soft olive skin. "If I don't let go then you can't leave me." The blonde's tone grew more childish as she wrapped herself impossibly tighter around her girlfriend's frame.

The Italian moved her arms under Maya's thighs as she allowed herself to enjoy the embrace for a few seconds. Not many people knew the clingy side of Maya Bishop and Carina was honoured that she got to bear witness to it. "I've worked 24-hour shifts before, Bambina. This is not any different to the other hundreds of times." Gentle kisses were placed on any space of pale skin that the brunette's lips could reach.

"Yes, it is. Igh ... fiudfh ..." The blonde's reply started even more whiny but she proceeded to press her face so hard into Carina's neck that her words could not be deciphered.

Adjusting the hold she currently had on her girlfriend and sitting down, the older woman moved so that Maya sat in her lap. "Okay Bella, you're going to have to lift your head so I can understand what you're saying." The brunette's tone was soft as she could sense the clear unrest in the room.

Maya slowly moved her face, revealing her ocean blue eyes had become pooled with tears as she finally met Carina's gaze. "I-I-It is d-d-different. I-I-It's not the s-s-same a-a-anymore." The words were barely choked out before the shorter girl tucked her face back away in her girlfriend's neck.

"Bambina..." Carina moved a hand to rub it up and down Maya's back. "Calmati." The Italian slowly swayed from side to side as she continued to whisper sweet nothings in her ear, feeling the woman gradually relax in her arms. "Talk to me, amore."

"B-Before ..." Maya took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure before telling Carina what had caused her sudden tears. "You didn't actually leave me before. We weren't living together, so you'd spend the night before your 24-hour shifts at your place because you didn't want to wake me in the morning, but you weren't leaving me because you didn't come home to me either. Now we live together, whenever you go, you always come back to me, but this is the first time you're leaving me for so long, and I'm going to miss you and how am I going to sleep if I'm not in your arms and ... and ..." The blonde's voice was cut off by more sobs as tears began to cascade down her cheeks.

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