L Is For 'Letters'

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Dear Blubs,

It's Mommy here. Woah! That feels crazy to be writing. Anyway, we successfully transferred you into your new home today in Mamma's tummy! I need you to do everything you can to hold on for us, Blubs. All the doctors and professionals have told us that the chances of this working the first time around are quite low, but we DeLuca-Bishops have always been ones for proving people wrong. Your Mamma has dreamed about having you for many years and although it took me a little while to get over my fear, I can't imagine a life where we are not preparing to welcome you into it anymore. I know I won't be the perfect Mommy, but your Mamma will be amazing in everything she does, and I promise that I am going to learn how to do everything right by you. I already have a stack of books to read through to learn everything I need to know, although your Mamma is convinced that's not necessary. I can promise you one thing, Blubs; if you hold on and continue to grow in your new home, you'll be greeted with more love than you can imagine when you enter this world. We love you so much already and that love will only continue to grow.

Lots of love,

Mommy x

Ciao Piccolo,

It's your Mamma. I'm so happy that you seem to be so content in your new home. Your Mommy has been doing everything to look after us and make sure that we are doing okay. She loves to tell you stories all day, and even though people keep telling her you can't hear her yet, it doesn't stop her. She kisses you good morning and good night every day and sometimes she'll kiss you just because she can. She is going to be the best Mommy ever. One thing you need to know is that your Mommy LOVES her fruit and vegetables. She even bought a chart home so we can see what size you will be each week in comparison to different fruits and vegetables. It's perhaps one of the most adorable things ever. As you're now four weeks old, you should be the size of a poppy seed. You may be tiny, but you're so strong piccolo. You and Mommy have all my heart and I cannot wait until we can hold you in our arms. For now, I need you to stay nice and snug in my tummy for me.

Ti voglio bene,

Mamma x

Hello, My Little Blueberry,

You're seven weeks old! I'm so proud of you, Bubs because you're already beating all the odds. We went to the Doctors yesterday and they confirmed that you're definitely there, which Mamma and I already knew, but it was nice to get the official approval. The best part of the whole appointment was getting to hear your little heart beating away – it's mine and Mamma's new favourite sound. We can already tell that you are going to be so strong and our love for you just keeps growing. We do need to have a little talk about this morning sickness business though! Your Mamma still has to go to work, and we haven't told anyone about you yet because we want to keep you to ourselves for a little while, so I need you to try your best not to make your Mamma so nauseous. I'll be telling you this in person as soon as you both come home from her latest shift, but please be nice to your Mamma because she really is the best. She's always singing Italian lullabies to you and teaching you all the important Italian words – I'm sure you're going to be more fluent than me and you're only a baby! Mamma loves it when we get to sit on the balcony with you, when we get a rare morning off together, so she can show you the sunrise and so you can hear the little birds chirping. She got mad at herself yesterday because you both missed the last few minutes of the sunrise when she had to be sick, and nothing breaks my heart more than watching your Mamma cry, so can we promise that we'll do our best to never make Mamma cry again unless it's happy tears? Thank you, My Little Blueberry.

I love you lots,

Mommy x

Ciao, Mio Bel Lime,

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