E Is For 'Emotions'

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TW: Implied/Referenced Miscarriage

Maya sat in Doctor Dianne Lewis' office. An office that she had frequented every week for several years now. Despite her initial reluctance to start therapy, she had found it had been a massive game-changer for her. Being able to express her emotions with someone who held an unbiased opinion, allowed Maya to work through many deep-rooted issues she wasn't even aware that she had. Even when there was nothing particularly interesting going on in the blonde's life, she had been sure to still attend her sessions knowing they were always beneficial.

"So, I thought, as you said you had nothing you wanted to talk about today, we'd try something a little different, if that's okay with you?" Dr. Lewis had been overjoyed when Maya had committed to coming to therapy, wanting nothing more than for the woman to finally live the life that she deserved. She was proud of the journey that Maya had been on and enjoyed watching her realise her true worth.

Maya was still a stickler for a routine so the thought of something new intimidated her, but she had come to realise that new didn't always mean bad, and she could still have some control. "Yeah. That's okay."

A smile overtook the therapist's face. "I know that talking about your emotions is still something you struggle with slightly, but I want to try this exercise with you." There was a slight look of hesitancy on the blonde's face before she nodded for Dr. Lewis to continue. "There are six basic emotions: Happiness, Sadness, Fear, Disgust, Anger, and Surprise. I want us to look at each one individually for a moment and I want you to tell me a memory that comes to mind for each one. Do you think you could do that?" Dr. Lewis met Maya's gaze, offering her comfort without having to say anything.

Maya fidgeted in her seat a little before taking a couple of deep breaths: a technique Dr. Lewis had taught her a while ago to try and help her combat her anxiety. "Yeah. I think I can manage that." The pair shared a quick glance before Maya looked at her lap.

"So, let's start with happiness." Dr. Lewis had a soft smile on her face as she briefly looked at the pad of paper on her desk. "What's one memory that brings you happiness?"

Maya allowed herself to ponder the question, as a montage of memories flashed through her mind. "There are so many memories that bring me happiness: the wedding, the births of my children, getting Battalion Chief ..." Maya's voice trailed off slightly. "I think the one that probably comes to mind the most at the minute though is a memory from last week." The vein on the blonde's forehead had become more prominent as a smile tugged at her lips.

Dr. Lewis noted the non-verbal behaviour the woman was exhibiting. "What happened?" Dr. Lewis gently encouraged Maya to continue.

Maya released a deep sigh as the memories of the day came flooding back to her. "Well, it started off as a really hard call. Several stations had been called to a structural fire at a daycare centre ..." The blonde's voice trailed off slightly as she felt herself being transported back to the event.


As Battalion Chief, Maya was expected to attend all major scenes that the stations were called to and assume full command and responsibility. Whilst she usually thrived on giving out orders and ensuring the teams of firefighters were doing everything correctly, she struggled to switch out of 'Mom mode' when there were kids involved.

"Station 19, I need an update!" Maya's voice boomed down the radio to the trusted team that was currently battling the flames from within.

"Chief, this fire is much bigger than expected." Herrera's agitated voice echoed back to the teams outside. "We have ninety percent of the place evacuated, but the path to the final room of babies is blocked by a fallen beam. It's going to take us a few minutes to get it lifted, but the flames are quickly spreading." Andy was never one to get scared in situations unless things were bad, and, from her tone of voice, Maya could sense that things were quickly getting out of control.

An Alphabet of One ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin