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"Damn it" I sign. I put my dead switch on my night stand. I broke my charger awhile ago and until I get a new one I'll have to use BEN's but he's probably sleeping or doesn't want to be bothered. It's pretty late, what time is it anyway? I switch on my phone and it said it was 5:42AM. Damn. I get up to get some water since my cup was empty and my moth was super dry. I acquire my water making sure I don't trip on anything, the mansion gets a lot darker than you would think. Walking the halls back to my room I see Silver's light is still on, maybe he has a charger. I contemplate knocking but just incase he fell asleep with the light on I didn't and rushed back into my room to text him.

Hey Red Head, you up?



Anyways do you have a switch charger I can use? 

I have one just not for you

c'mon don't be like that

You broke your last two chargers

one melted

How'd you even do that 

I don't know it was just like that when I found it



What if I just let it charge in your room for like 30 minuets then come back and get it?


C'mon Silver

If you stop texting me

Knew I could count on my favorite piece of metal!

Don't call me that

 I'll unlock my door so just come in 

I sighed and sat up in my bed. I unlocked my door then checked my hair in a dingy mirror I had laying around and made sure any knots I weren't too visible. When I hear their foot steps getting closer I put back the mirror sat back down on my bed."Hey Silver, what's up?" I shrugged and watched them look around my room clueless. I threw some knickknack that was close to me at them and pointed to where the charger was "Right" they muttered before plugging the Switch in. "So were you staring at the wall before I got here?" "I was watching a show on my phone" I signed to them "what show?" "The office, what do you want?" "I don't have anything better to do, plus I wanna talk to my friend y'know" "You could stay I don't mind" I really don't, I always like when they're around. "Thanks" they said walking over and sitting next to me "I know I can be annoying" "Your only annoying when you won't stop texting me at 6 AM" "Good thing I texted you at 5:40 then" They laughed. They were always so bubbly and a happy, thats something I've always loved about them, one of the reasons I do love them. They kept talking, I mostly listened and put some input in every once and awhile, before I knew it I saw the sun coming up through my window I guess (Name) saw it to because they went up to the window and opened the blinds wider "OoOo look it's pink and red" they motioned for me to come over and I obliged. It wasn't anything special I see it every morning but (Name) was pretty existed by it so I tried to act like I was impressed. "Y'know it kinda reminds me of you" "How" I signed "Well your hair's red and your face is pretty pink right now" I looked away and tried to cover my face with my sleeve and  waved my other hand in a playful 'shut it' motion. I can't be that obvious. They giggle at my pathetic-ness "Alright I'm going to go back to my room and play on my switch till I pass out, thanks for keeping me company though" "No problem"  They smiled at me then walked closer and hugged me. My body went stiff for a second before I hugged them back. my heart started to race and my face getting hot,  I felt them kiss the top go my head and  my body go stiff again. They let go after that then walked out of the room after muttering a 'bye Silver'. I was left standing there like an idiot, blushing and about to have a heart attack, I sigh and sat back down on my bed. Whenever they gets a new charger, I'm going to break it.


This chapter is brought to you by my horrible sleep schedule, today I woke up at 3PM and was STILL tired I'm going to be nocturnal at this rate


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