12 || Chardonnay

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“I thought you’d know considering you got me turquoise heels for ten grand,” she giggled softly.

“Let me guess, favourite colour?” She only shrugged with a widespread grin.

“Where do you see yourself in the next five years?” She asked me as we shared a scrumptious, red velvet cheesecake.

“With you.” I responded, looking ahead at the collection.

“Rareșz, come on. Be serious,”

“But I am serious. Don’t you see a future for the both of us?” I raised a brow at her.

“I definitely do, but you know—”

“Don’t worry, I get it. I see my business growing bigger. I wanted to be the biggest supplier internationally, build brand loyalty and an excellent brand image. Make more wine flavours too. What about you?” I smiled down at her.

“I don’t really know yet. I'm still on a journey to find my purpose in life. I'm glad you’ve got yours figured out,” she shrugged with a smile, “I know I sound like a failure. Twenty-three and I don’t know what I want—”

“Never. You will never be a failure in my eyes, Kamaria. It's normal for you to be figuring yourself out, better than pursuing the wrong things. Take your time to find yourself and don’t let society’s expectations hinder that. Many people find their purpose later in life, even at sixty.” I explained to her, my hand reaching out to hold hers.

“Wise words, very wise words Rareșz. You don’t know how much that means to me. It's just that people expect me to be settling down after getting my degree and stuff, but I still have no idea of what I want. I do want kids, very much, but I also want to do my own thing aside from being a mom or wife.” She shrugged and without thinking, I pulled her into my chest, wrapping my strong arms around her.

“You'll figure it out, love. You'll be fine, trust me. If you ever need some support, I'm here to give you that. I want to devote time to getting to know you, so don’t be scared to let me in, but take your time, okay?” I kissed her forehead when she nodded, melting into the embrace and sighing happily.

“You're such a good person, I guess I misjudged you because of what everyone says about you. Sorry,” her voice was muffled.

“I don’t blame you, that’s the version I prefer everyone knows. I don’t want to be perceived as vulnerable, because people come and go. I'm actually scared of being hurt,” I exhaled deeply.

She looked at me with pure interest, her gaze urging me to elaborate while she played with my large, ringed hand.

“What I didn’t realise is that in the process, I lost myself. I lost affection and genuine love for people. I wasn’t able to let them in, I was raised to think that opening up was a sign of weakness, it put you in great danger and gave someone control over you.” I went on, looking down at our intertwined fingers, and how her head was pressed against my strong chest.

“So I stuck to one-night stands and meaningless flings, because I didn’t want to experience the heartbreak that many people lost their sanity over. And when you came along, that’s when I realised that being a heartless player had quickly become a part of me that I couldn’t easily get rid of.” I shook my head and she gripped my hand tighter.

“But I'm doing my best. Please be patient with me, I'm still learning how to love and grow, and I’ll do everything in my power to make sure our soul pieces connect. I know they will,” I murmured, our foreheads pressing against each other as our breaths slowed.

Everything seemed to pause around us, the rhythmic beats of our hearts and soft sighs from our lips being the only sound surrounding us. My free hand slipped under her chin so I could fixate my darkening gaze on her pretty face, and hers moved to touch my powerful, muscular back.

Our noses touched, a soft, small giggle escaping Kamaria’s lips and I smiled. In this moment, I wanted nothing more than to kiss her so hard, she’d forget how to breathe.

“Your lips…they look so beautiful,” I whispered and she bit the bottom one, leaning close to me as my head tilted.

Without thinking, our lips effortlessly merged, our mouths synchronising into a hot, passionate osculation. My mouth gaped wider as her flavour intrigued my taste buds. Holy shit. Holy. Shit.

She moaned into the kiss when my tongue stealthily slipped into her mouth, manipulating hers into a sexy tongue-to-tongue.

A kiss has never felt this euphoric, I could feel the electricity coursing through every living vein in me as I trapped her bottom lip with my teeth, my hand clasping tighter around the back of her neck.

I needed all of her, running through my bloodstream, like an essential.

We slowly pulled away, a little flustered and she smiled, leaning up to kiss me once more. That gesture had already sent some blood pumping in my lower area, my erection threatening to protrude.

“That was nice,” I whispered and she hummed.

“You're a great kisser. That was hot,” Kamaria giggled and I watched her in admiration.


“Yeah,” she confirmed, “And I'd like to do it a couple times more.”

I smirked, carrying her into my lap and placing my hands against her ass. “Consider that done.”

Literally miss Reid and Iris,
had to incorporate their
gallery lmao :)

𝐌𝐫. 𝐕𝐢𝐳𝐜𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐨'𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫| 彡Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant