Chapter 6 - We're villains

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During the morning, we attended the usual classes before enjoying a well-deserved lunch break. However, the classes that really excited everyone started in the afternoon: the practical classes.

On the first day of this class, All Might was in charge of instructing us. I felt a wave of excitement upon seeing him, and we shared a brief complicit glance. Although we didn't have such a strong bond as Izuku did with him, the time we had spent together training had created a special mentor-student relationship. I didn't feel envious of their closer relationship; instead, I felt fortunate to be a part of it.

All Might explained to us that we would be undergoing combat training. He instructed us to put on the costumes that appeared in boxes from the classroom walls, and we headed to the Training Zone.

I took my costume and put it on in the changing room. The design didn't have much relevance to my quirk, since my clothes disappear when I transform into an animal and reappear when I return to my human form. It was a tight-fitting top and looser at the bottom, curiously similar to my brother's, although we didn't do it on purpose. The only requirements I had asked for were that it had to be flexible, comfortable to wear, and have pockets to hold the chocolate bars that helped me wake up in case I fell asleep. Mom and dad helped me design it, as they were both designers.

We all went together to the Training Zone, where All Might explained the activity. The teams were randomly formed, and I ended up with Hagakure and Ojiro, whom I had already met during the initial tests. The first pair to face off were Katsuki and Iida as villains, while Uraraka and Izuku took on the roles of heroes. The rest of us headed to the observation room to watch the fight.

My brother and Iida lost, and I can't help but think about how little Katsuki knows about Izuku's situation and how confused he must feel. I would feel the same if I were in his place. I remind myself that even though he's my brother, I don't have the right to reveal someone else's secrets.

It's Hagakure's, Ojiro's and my turn to face off as villains against a guy with three arms on each side and Todoroki. All Might leads us to the building where the fight will take place.

"Remember, guys, we're villains. Act accordingly," I say with a mischievous smile.

"Wow, Bakugo-san. Right now, you remind me of your brother. You even seem a bit scary," Hagakure says, I believe that surprised by the tone of her voice (considering her expressions aren't very... visible). Ojiro expresses that he thinks the same with a simple facial gesture.

"Call me Haiyoru, Bakugo is what my brother uses." I smile at her.

"All right, Haiyoru-san! We can do this!" Hagakure exclaims. I find her enthusiasm amusing as she tries to encourage both Ojiro and I, and herself too, even though she seems very nervous.

Five minutes pass, and we hear All Might's voice indicating that they are approaching.

"One of them can generate ears on his hands. I observed everyone a bit during the training, so we need to remain silent when All Might stops talking. We need a plan. Hagakure, since you're good at hid..." All Might interrupts himself, and since it's our signal to hide our voices and prevent the guy with many arms from hearing us, I also fall silent. Although I spoke quickly, I haven't had enough time to explain myself. However, Hagakure seems to have understood my message as she takes off her gloves and I hear her approach the door to search for the heroes and gather information about the situation.

We spend some time where Hagakure quietly indicates that she can't find them, and Ojiro decides to go out on his own while I stay behind to watch the bomb. After a few minutes, I hear a crunch approaching our location. I quickly react as I recognize what it is. I had already observed Todoroki's quirk, so before confirming it, I warn my teammates.

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