Chapter 10: The Date & Shocking Family Reunion

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Much Later...

Sean: Thanks for hearing me out sir. I'm telling you these new company advertisements will reel in customers and trust me... you'll like how I revamped the old jingle to be more appealing to all sorts of sinners that got screwed over!

BliztØ: As long as they actually start walking through those doors with a target and real money...

Moxxie: Another business commercial? It's like this company enjoys putting all our funds into everything, but on things that would help us employees.

Millie: Don't overwork yourself sweetie. You're give yourself another panic attack!

(Everyone heads home and I start getting ready for the date)

Sean: (getting dressed) Better put on some music while I pick out the right type of dinner date clothes... hmm oh this one!

Sean: (singing)

"I see a red door and I want it painted black
No colors anymore I want them to turn black
I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes
I have to turn my head until my darkness goes
I see a line of cars and they're all painted black
With flowers and my love both never to come back
I see people turn their heads and quickly look away
Like a new born baby it just happens ev'ry day
I look inside myself and see my heart is black
I see my red door I must have it painted black
Maybe then I'll fade away and not have to face the facts
It's not easy facin' up, when your whole world is black"

(I heard knocking and stopped the music as I rushed to the door)

Loona: Hey you ready? Oh-

Sean: (I wasn't wearing a shirt so my 8 pack was showing off as well as several scars from my past life) Almost hehe.. Just need to get my shirt on and then we can start our date.

Loona: Alright cool... I'll wait out here...

Sean: No come in I insist. It won't take long.

(She sat on my couch and I quickly went and picked out the shirt and freshened up before coming out)

(She sat on my couch and I quickly went and picked out the shirt and freshened up before coming out)

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Sean: Okay now I'm ready! Ready to ride with me?

Loona: Huh? Oh yeah your motorcycle! Yeah I'm ready hehe.

Sean: Oh how rude of me! I haven't complimented on how nice that outfit looks on you.

Loona: Thanks. (She but her tail starts swaying and she changes the subject to move things along) Ahem... So why are we still just standing here? Let's get going dummy!

(We got on my motorcycle and drove to the restaurant)

Sean: You know... I still want to try visiting the other rings someday... think BliztØ would ever let me have a break long enough to do that?

Loona: Probably... but I'd suggest you avoid Greed and Lust for obvious reasons.

Bouncer: No entry for low class folk so scram off to some bar you two-

Sean: You were saying?

Bouncer: Sorry... go on in.

(We enjoy our meal)

Sean: Damn! Finest Waygu steak in hell am I right Loon's? Sorry if I shouldn't give you any nicknames...

Loona: Hehe.. no it's- I like it. *whispers* "and I like u too"

Sean: Loona I need to confess-

Loona: Sean do you like me?

Sean: (blushing) H- How'd you Know?

Loona: Wait I was just asking!? You really have a thing for me?

Sean: (embarrassed and nods) I I was gonna tell you tonight, but started having my doubts-

Before I knew it my lips were touching hers and I felt her tongue try introducing itself to mine and I opened. We broke the kiss shortly

Sean: Tonight really was the best then-

(As I was paying the bouncer stopped us from leaving)

Loona: Ugh now what!?

(He thinks back to the last name seen on the reservations and begins sweating)

Sean: Is something wrong sir?

Bouncer: O-of Course not Mr! Nothing at all! I just didn't expect to be in your presence unannounced. Do tell your father I send my regards...

Sean: Wait!? What do you mean my father? My father died years ago and trust me... being the caring soul he and my mother were they can't be down here with me.

Bouncer: I'm gonna have to make a call then... My Prince...

Sean & Loona: PRINCE!?!?!

Sean: Haha! Okay okay! You don't have to be that sorry... I'm not royalty at al-

???: Sean? Is that you?

Sean: T- That- Voice.... (Tears forming in my eyes as a turn to see him)

 (Tears forming in my eyes as a turn to see him)

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Lucifer: Hello my boy... How've you been?

Sean: Dad!?!

Loona: That's Your DAD!?!

Lucifer: We have a lot to discuss...

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