Big Story Update + Extra Stuff

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Hello to all you generous readers! Hope you've had a good day or if not let this Update make it somewhat better. I have some news for you all that is mostly important for those who remember the original story from my old account. I'm extending the length of Book 1 with the addition of a few new chapters that were not featured in the original story. I'm still going to be including the remaining chapters, but I wanted to put more effort and life into the mix. Plus I'm changing 1 thing present in the original to better fit this remake. Just wanted to clarify this information specifically for any possible returning readers who remember the old version so they wouldn't get confused. Also I plan on resuming both my Kaiju story and Furry story soon, but I still have some stuff I need to finish up prior to getting the new chapters I've drafted published. Have a nice day/afternoon/evening/night or whatever everyone!

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