Chapter 9:Goodbye James

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A/N :Hey guys I know yall have been waiting for this.So enjoy


Y/N is driving down a road in Phoenix it is dark he can barely see. On top of that he feels sick like his body is overheating.

He is heading over to the Ballet Studio that him and Bella use to go his mother use to force him to go to make friends.

Then a vibration can be heard from his phone. He then Answers"Hello! "
" Bella's gone we can't find her"Alice shouts over the phone.

"How the hell did you lose her" Y/N says. "She was right behind me and the other second she's gone." Alice says stressed.

"Calm down i just got into Phoenix I'll help you guys find her." Y/N says trying to calm her down.

"Ok please stay safe Y/N... I Lo-Care about you to much okay." Alice stutters.

"No promises beautiful you do the same... bye." Y/N says. "Bye New Kid" Alice says before the call ends.

"I need to find Bella and i just know were to look" Y/N says while driving up to the Ballet studio.

He then spots a cab that just stopped at the studio. He then sees Bella walk out of the cab.

"Bella..." Y/N says walking up to the brown haired girl. "Why the hell are you here weren't you sick you couldn't even come out your house. " Bella asked Y/N.

"No..... I mean yes but no i got knocked out by Alice but im here to protect you." Y/N says looking down to Bella.

"Fine lets get in there" Bella says walking to the door but it seemed there was a chain with a lock on it.

"We need to find another way in" Bella said looking around."No let me try." Y/N said thinking about the time he pulled open his new houses door.

Y/N then puts his hands on the door handles. He then pulls as hard as he can on the door.

The lock then snaps and breaks. "Got it" he says to Bellla surprised .
"Oh... How did you get it open." Bella asked.

"No time we need to get in." Y/N says walking into the building.The both of them hear the voices that sounded familiar.

/Come on Y/N dance with me/ a girl voice says. /You know i don't like to dance my mom just sent me here to make friends/ a little boy voice says.

" I know that voice" Y/N said walking over to the direction the voices were coming from.

They then get to a closet Y/N takes out his machete. Bella then opens the closet to see a video playing.

Both of them look at the video, it was of them when they were kids. Y/N then thought of the first time he went there.


Y/N's mother can be scene fixing her childs clothes before going into the studio.

"I don't wanna be here" Y/N said with a angry tone."Your not going to be alone Bella will be there." Miranda said.

"But... There will be strangers to people i don't know." Y/N said looking down to his feet.

"How about... you make it thru one day ill buy you ice-cream from McDonald's."Miranda said to her innocent child.

"Promise...." He asked his mother. "I promise." She answerd. "Ok... Bye mom!"He said running to the entrance.

" Bye my baby boy!! "She said waving to her child. 'God help him in the future....' she thought walking away.

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