Chapter 2:First Day

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Y/N wakes to his alarm and proceeds to look at the time, it is 07:00 in the morning.

He starts doing his morning routine and puts on some clothes

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e walks down stairs and sees no one is in the house and sees the door is open. He goes to check it out.

He sees Bella, Charlie, Uncle Billy and Jacob. "Hey guys didn't know that yall would be here this early"Y/n says to the group.

" Whats up ugly mud pie's "Jacob says jokingly." You still on that thing, I just couldn't get the shape right okay."Y/N says.

" That was alway your excuse. "Jacob hits Y/N on the shoulder.

" Come back here Charlie imma take your ankles"Billy shouts. "Enough little children" Bella says.

"So what do you guys think about yall homecoming present" Charlie says while hitting the back of the truck.

"Wait We have to share this truck"
Y/N  asks Charlie with worry.

"No don't worry i got something for you back at our place you should
come by i got some old stuff of your dads."Billy says.

While Jacob and Bella talk insid the truck." You ready to go Y/N"Bella asks Y/n from inside the truck.

"Yeah im ready lets go Bell" Y/N says getting into the truck. "Bye guys" Both of them says and drive off.


* mistake i made*


"How do you think our first day is going to be" Y/N ask Bella while looking out the window.

"I honestly don't care i just don't wanna get embarrassed" Bella says.

"Fair enough just don't be yourself"   Y/n says jokingly but gets hit on the shoulder.

"Sorry i didn't mean it i swear" Y/N yells out. "You better or im kicking you out my truck.

" Ok ill just take a nap until we get there ok"Y/N proceeds to close his eyes and sleep.


"Were here dumbass" Bella says whil shakes Y/N waking him up.

"Finally" Y/N says getting out of the truck. "Nice ride" A rondom person says standing near there car.

"Nice Forehead dipshit" Y/N says while him and Bella walk into the school.

A rondom person walks up and says. You must be Isabella Swan and Y/N   L/N, Im Eric, the eyes and ears of this place, Anything you need im here.  Tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on?"

" Thanks but were more of a suffer in silence type"Y/N says while looking at Bella and back at Eric.

"Great headline for the feature im on it and your the new, front page baby." Eric says with a joking tone.

"Watch yourself there emo boy" Y/N says with force behind his voice.

"Chill there will be no feature" Eric says with a stressed look.


It is now lunch time and Y/N wlks into the cafeteria and sees some girl taking a picture of Bella.

"You shouldn't just take pictures of people"Y/N says while goign to sit next to Bella.

" Sorry just needed someone for the feature but ill do another editorial on the teen drinking. "She says.

" You could just write something about a eating disorder or about padding on swimming gear"Bella says and the girls start having a convo.

Y/N and Bella see a bunch of people walk past the window and enter the cafeteria.

"Who are they "Y/n and Bella asks the group of girls in front of them.

" The Cullins" the girl with the glasses answers."They're Dr. and Mrs Cullins foster kids" The one girl says.

"They moved down here from Alaska a few years ago"She continues" They kinda keep to themselves."

"Yeah 'cause they're all together, like TOGETHER together. Uh, the blonde girl, that's Rosalie, and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett, they're like a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal." The girl says.

"The little dark brown head girl she's Alice, She's really weird, and um I 'think' she's with Jasper the blonde guy that looks like hes in pain but no one is sure tho" she says.

Y/N looks at Alice not listening to anyone anymore and only looks at her.

"Who's he"Bella asks the girls." Thats Edward Cullin, he's totally gorgeous, obviously, but no one here's good enough for him,Like i care you know"
She says and laughs.

"He's just a pretty boy thats all" Y/n adds. Y/N and Bella look at the Cullins.

"You guys shouldn't was your time on them you know" She tells the two of them

"Wasn't planning on it" Y/n and Bella say in unison.


Y/N is now walking to the Blake's house and knocks on the door.

"Y/N my boy did you bring the things" Billy says rolling to Y/N with excitement.

"Yeah i did Uncle Billy" Y/N says holding the keys and helmet.

They begin to go up the road to a old shack near the woods.


"Where here Y/n Could you open the Shack's gate" Billy asks Y/N.

"Sure "Y/N proceeds to open the Shacks door. He sees a old black motorcycle.

*If you want a photo go the info part*

" This used to be your pop's before he you know. "Bill says." Thanks Uncle Billy tgis means so much to me"Y/N says while giving Billy a hug.

"Oh wait i forgot something" Billy takes something out of his pocket.

"Here this used to be you dad's" He gives Y/N a box. "Y/N takes a black necklace out of the box. He begins to tear up." Thanks Uncle Billy"

Y/N says while teaaring up and smiling. "Your dad would be proud of the man your becoming" Billy says while hugging Y/n.

"Enough of this sappy stuff start the danm bike"Billy says giggling.

Y/N sits on the bike and starts the motorcycle." The old girl still purrs"Billy says with excitement.


Y/N is sitting at a' end of roadlooking of the small town of Fork.

" Wow this is beautiful "Y/N says.
" It really is isn't it" A voice says behind Y/N.

A/n:Cliffhanger!!!! TAKE THAT

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