Chapter 5: Uncovered

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A/N:Hello everyone these chapters are coming out slower and slower im sorry about that im kinda sick so ill be taking about a day or two off making these.


Y/N is standing on his motorcycle and sees Bella walking with Edward up to the forest.

"Hey there new kid" Alice says walking to Y/N. "Hey umm can we talk real quick."

They walk to a open field full of lilly and sunflowers and sit down. "So what did you want to talk about."

Alice asks tilting her head looking at Y/N oblivious as to what is about to come out of his mouth.

"I.. I know what you are Alice,.. I know your a..." Y/N says struggling to get to the word.

"Im a what, say it Y/N." she says putting her hand on his.

"Your a Vampire."He says finally getting it out of his of his mouth.

Alice then chuckles." Whats so funny huh I just found out that your a vampire and your laughing." Y/N says confused

" No its just the way you took so long to say it."Alice says falling back and laying on the grass.

"Its still not funny i thought you may you know." He says imitating his throat getting slit.

"No i would never me and my 'family' are like vegans we only drink animal blood."Alice says.

" So you won't drink my blood. "Y/N says looking for som reassurance.

" No i wont but i do wanna show you something come on follow me pretty boy."She says.

Her and Y/N get up and walk to the nearest sunlight source." Hey aren't you going to burn."Y/N says worried.

" No thats just a myth this is the real reason why we don't go into the sunlight."She says taking of her coat.

Alice then walks to the sunlight and her body begins to sparkle like her body was incase in diamonds.

Y/N looks on in amazement." You look beautiful."He says walking up to her and cupping her cheek.

Alice looks at him eye to eye." Thank you.... We should get going people are going to get suspicious."She says.

Alice takes Y/N hand gently off her cheek and holds his and they proceed to walk down back to the school.


Y/N wakes up from his bed from hearing a message from his phone.

Alice:Me and Edward are outside come outand bring Bella.

Ok be out in a minute. :Y/N

He then gets up dressed knocks on Bella door to get her up and ready.

"Hey your boyfriend and Alice are outside lets go."He says throwing her with a pillow.

" He's not my boyfriend you dumbass"
She says getting up from her bed.

"Whatever you say Bella Swan." Y/N says going to the bathroom about to take a shower.

Both of them get ready and walk to Edward and Alice.

"You guys ready to go." Alice says happily. "Yeah were ready." Y/N says looking over at Edward.

"We should get going" Edward says and everyone get into Edward car. Bella is sitting in the passenger seat.

Y/N and Alice are sitting in the back.


They then get out of the vehicle and everyone stares at them while they're walking to the school.

"This is weird im not used to all this attention."Bella says nervous." Well get used to it"Alice and Edward says.

Y/N then looks around seeing the other Cullens look at them mad.

*Wonder what's there problem*He thinks to himself.He then proceeds to walk with the others.


The group are now helping Bella repair and clean her truck.

"I think that good enough Edward."
Y/N says from under the truck he then gets out from under it.

"Could you even act a little bit human." Bella asks Edward."He just asked if i could hold it up" Edward replys.

Bella rolls her eyes."I think you two should come over to our house for dinner." Alice says nudging Edward.

"Yeah i think so too" Edward says."Are they going to like us" Bella aks.

"Where going to be in a room with blood sucking vampires and your wondering if they will approve of you wow." Y/N says.

Alice then chuckles. "So tomorrow you guys ill be there ok." she says.
"Sure we will be there right Bella."

"Right!" Bella says. Edward and Alice quickly turn there heads. "We should go bye guys."They say and get into the car.

Leaving Y/N and Bella dumbfounded by there quick exit.

While there driving of they look out there window and see Billy and Jacob driving to Bella.

The Blacks then park up and get out." Here to visit your truck Uncle Billy." Y/N asks.

"Nope here to visit yalls flat screen TV and because Jacob here won't stop nagging to visit you guys." Billy says.

"Wow thanks Dad" Jacob says sarcastically"What just telling the truth."Bill says as Charlie walk up with some beers.

" Hey you guys ready for the game. "Charlie says." Yup, Hows the case going my friend. "Billy asks his friend.

" Yeah its still considered animal attacks. "Charlie says while everyone walks into the house.

" Um imma go upstairs im kinda tired"Y/N says. "Whats wrong" Billly asks.

"Na its just my back and arms been hurting." He says."Jacob's been having the same thing doing work with me" Billly says.

"I got some pills if you need some" Jacob asks Y/N. "Na im good ill just sleep it off."

"Ok goodnight Y/N" They all say as Y/N walks up to his bed and plops on it.

He then falls into a deep slumber.


A/N:Hope you guys enjoy this i kinda rushed it so still hope its good but thanks for the support on this series and bye.

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