sick enough

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"Did you end up getting any sleep last night?" Nat's voice pulled you from your daydreams. You had had trouble falling asleep the previous night, Nat was tired so she just put you into bed and left hoping you would get tired soon. But she didn’t know you stayed awake, hours of endless tossing and turning before you finally slept.
"Yeah, It wasn't long after you fell asleep." You lied. You didn't like lying to her but if she knew the truth about your horrendous night it would only cause her to worry or worse make her give you a nap.

To be honest you knew you were getting sick. The soreness and burning in the back of your throat and congestion was an unpleasant indicator, alongside the coughing and sneezing of course. You wanted to tell Natasha, you really did. But Natasha needed to work and you had a weekend with Wanda planned and you didn’t want to let either of  them down.

You felt that familiar tingle in your nose and you rubbed your nose, trying to shake the tickling feeling however it didn't seem to work as you buried your face in your elbow, letting out another sneeze. "Sorry.”

"Bless you." Natasha replied, looking up from her paperwork with a raised eyebrow, "Y/N are you sure you're alright?" It was the fourth time she had asked today, something was definitely off with you and you knew she was getting suspicious. "I'm fine, it’s probably just allergies. What time am I going to Wandas?" You asked, hoping to change the subject. “Oh yeah, I was supposed to tell her something. I’ll call her and ask.”

"Hey Wanda I have some things to do and I will be busy for the next few hours. Can you pick y/n up? Yes, Thank you for understanding. Okay bye. She will be here in an hour, go get your stuff baby."

Unfortunately for you, your symptoms seemed to only increase as the hours ticked by. When you got to Wanda’s you went straight to your room hoping she wouldn’t notice or come looking for you. It was only when you were thirsty and had run out of tissues that you left.

"Hey baby." She beamed when she saw you enter the room. "Hey." There was a raspiness in your voice that made Wanda frown, that combined with the sneezing and coughing sounded awful. You tried to hide it as you searched the cupboards for some tissues but you couldn’t stop it. You sneezed again, this time it made your head hurt and spin so bad you thought you were going to collapse.

"Hey y/n what are you looking for?" She asked curiously, getting up from her seat and making her way over towards you.

“I talked to Nat a moment ago, she was worried about how you were doing, does she know you’re sick?”

“I'm not sick.” You stated bluntly, rolling your eyes. “Yes you are.” Wanda insisted, grabbing the tissues from the cupboard under the sink. “Don’t make me go all mommy mode on you. Go sit down and rest.”

“leave me alone. I told you I'm fine.” You said with a hint of annoyance in your voice, Wanda tilted her head and it made you sigh. “Fine. Maybe I feel a little sick. It isn't a big deal” You sighed, taking a tissue and blowing your nose. “Don't you think you should tell her?” Wanda asked as swayed slightly on your feet.

“No. She’ll just worry.” You fought your way through your sneezes as Wanda lightly rubbed your shoulder and blessed you each time.

“You really don't sound good Y/N. Wouldn't it just be easier to tell her?” She asked, her concern for you was starting to become irritating, why couldn’t she just drop it?

“Just leave it, Wanda. You’re so annoying. I wish I stayed with Nat.” You hadn't meant to snap at her, you were more annoyed at yourself if anything.

Wanda looked actually hurt and you couldn’t believe what you had just said. The tears flowed down your face and Wanda picked you up. “It’s okay baby I understand.” She had read your mind and knew you were just hurting, you hated not being with Nat and Wanda together. You hated having to choose. “I’m sorry.” She rubbed your back and held you as tightly as she could. You couldn’t help but lean in to her, you were so tired.

“Okay I think you need a nap, let's go have some cuddles." She laid down on the couch with you in her arms as you drifted off.

You felt her hand touch your forehead for a moment. You heard her breath hitch slightly as she realized just how hot you were.“You're burning up.” She whispered before her voice started to trail off. You knew she was still talking, something about Natasha and your bed but you were too exhausted to concentrate.

When you next opened your eyes, you saw Natasha sitting at the edge of your bed, scrolling through her phone. When did she get here? She saw your movement and gave you a small smile, as she looked you over. “Hey dorogoy, how do you feel?”

“Shit.” You manage to croak out as you shiver, despite the fact you were under the blankets. “I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.” Natasha replied, moving to sit closer to you.

“You came.” You whispered with a small smile.  “Of course, Wanda called and said you would probably want some cuddles. She did also say I need to take your temperature.” You nodded as Natasha held the thermometer under your tongue, when it beeped Natasha looked at it shaking her head at the result. “39.2. If it gets much higher I’m going to call Banner. But for now you need to take some medications and you are not getting away with not doing it, even if it's yucky.” She grabbed the bottle from the nightstand and poured it onto the spoon, you took it all and she gave you a proud smile.

“Baby, next time that you don't feel well please tell me. I’m your mama. I need to know if you're sick, I want to take care of you.” The look on her face made you want to cry with guilt. "Sorry mama but you needed to work and I wanted to see Wanda."
You apologized and she kissed your head, proving you were forgiven.

“It’s okay baby, I’m not mad, I was just worried that's all. I don’t care about working, I can do that when you are not sick but for now all I care about is taking care of you, here.” She passed you a water bottle and you took a sip before laying back down “Thanks natty. I love you.” You whispered up to her, fatigue filling your voice as you fought to stay awake. “I love you too Y/N. Now get some sleep.”

“Can you stay?”

“No sweetheart, I have to go now. I'm sorry. I’ll call you when I get home, I promise.” You felt tears coming to your eyes, you hated this. “Baby, please don’t cry.” Natasha whispered, kissing your forehead. “Is this because of you and Wanda?” She didn’t answer but the look on her face told you yes.

“If you both want, you can stay.” You heard a voice and looked to see Wanda stood in the doorway. “Are you sure? I don’t wanna step on your toes.” Natasha replied but Wanda shook her head. “It’s okay.”

“Mama stay?” You asked hopefully, Natasha climbed into bed next to you, pulling you in close. “Yes baby, Mama’s staying.” Natasha looked up, mouthing a thank you to the sokovian, who just nodded before leaving.

You hopped out of bed, much to Nat’s dismay and ran after her. “Mommy.” You whined, grabbing her hand, pulling her back towards your room. “Baby, I can't.” It was only when your lip started to shake that Wanda gave in, picking you up and carrying you back to your bed.

“I’m sorry.” The sokovian sighed, putting you into bed and getting in. “They’re too cute to say no to.” Nat let out a chuckle, “I know. It’s okay, they're just a sick little baby who needs some extra cuddles, don't you baby?” You nodded with a giggle as the russian attacked you with giggles.

“Well if you want us to stay and cuddle while you sleep you actually have to sleep.” Wanda fake scolded but you pointed to the tv. “Baby. No, you need to sleep.” She replied trying to be firm but even you could see she was tempted to give in. “Come on Wands, they’re so cute and they're sick enough as it is all they want is a movie. Just one movie... Please.”

“Fine, just one. But after that we are going to sleep.” Wanda put on your favorite Disney movie that distracted you enough that you almost forgot about your sickness… and you didn’t notice how the two women spent more time looking and smiling at each other than they did the tv screen.

Enough- Wanda NatWhere stories live. Discover now