He's enough?

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Everyone had been called over for a party the bilionaire was throwing for... some reason. And everyone had to go causing a lot of mixed feelings between the exes.

Tony’s laugh was getting increasingly loud, it bellowed over the top of all the other sounds in the room. Natasha rolls her eyes in his direction before taking another sip of beer. She resumed her conversation with Bruce until something Tony said caught her attention.

“Oh come on look at the way Wanda looks at him, she’s clearly in love! She went from a robotic assassin to an actual robot, clearly she has a type.” He chuckled, taking another sip from his glass.

Love? Natasha pauses in the hallway out of sight. Her heart is suddenly pumping fast and the pulsing blood booms in her ears as she tries to listen “She’s been talking to him for thirty minutes, she has even laughed like ten times, he isn’t even funny.”

“She always laughs when she drinks.” Natasha huffed, glaring at the Synthezoid. It was true Wanda was laughing at almost everything the robot said and it made Natasha’s blood boil. Whether it was the alcohol or vision had somehow built himself a sense of humor she should have been laughing with Natasha not him.

The guys had begun their drunken competitions where they always tried to prove how strong and amazing they were. This time it was lifting Mjolnir, everyone had failed until vision walked over picking it up and handing it to thor. “Of course he can lift it. Fucking show off. He thinks he can have my girl and rule asgard.” Natasha cursed, unsure if it was the jealousy or the intoxication that riled her up so much.

“Nat, calm down. They’re just talking and technically she isn't yours anymore.” Clint replied, earning a death stare from Natasha. “I’m going to bed. I hate you all.” Natasha huffed storming out.

She threw herself into bed before falling asleep, waking the next morning to a text on her phone.

Wanda: hey, you okay?

Nat: yeah

Wanda: You sure? You never leave a party that early.

Wanda : did something happen?

Wanda: Natty? You okay?

The messages all came through within seconds of each other and each one made the lump in her throat grow. Natasha spent 5 minutes staring at her phone trying to think of a response but she didn’t know what to say.

She missed Wanda texting her on mornings when they were apart. She missed at the start of their relationship when she called her natty before switching to babe, it was in a way an upgrade but it also made her wonder if she would ever be anything more than just natty again.
She shrugged off the feeling, typed out a reply and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Nat: Yeah I am fine, I have to go. Have fun with vision.
The whole walk from her room to the fridge she waited to see if Wanda would respond yet only a small read receipt showed. 

She got halfway through spreading peanut butter over the second slice of bread when she heard footsteps making their way down the hallway. “Hey, can we talk.” Wanda’s voice makes her stop, she debates it for a moment before shaking her head. “I’m busy, why don’t you go talk to vision?”

"I don’t want to, I want to talk to you.” Nat scoffed. “Really? You were really happy to talk to him last night.”
“It doesn’t matter, I’m talking to you now and Vis and I- We are just friends. I can have as many friends as I want, it’s none of your business anymore.” Wanda said, slightly irritated. “Yeah sure it looked like it. You were all over him! Anyone would think it’s him you were dating the past two years.”

“Exactly! We aren’t even dating anymore! I don’t know how you could’ve forgotten that but I’m not yours anymore and I can talk to whoever I want!” Wanda shouted. “Only because you left! And if you think he can love you better than I can, you're even more crazy than I thought.”

“At least he’s around. I had a longer conversation with him in one night than I did with you in weeks. And that is your fault not mine, so you can’t blame me for wanting to have an actual nice conversation for once.”

“Why are you here if you hate me so much? And you know you pushed me away just as much as I pushed you so don't give me that shit. Why don’t you just fuck off Wanda?! I can’t stand being around you anymore just get out and leave me alone.” Natasha snapped, throwing the knife on the counter and going to walk out.

“Y/n” Nat gasped wiping her eyes, “baby why- how long have you been there?” She asked the little hiding by the kitchen door. “Mama loud.” Y/n whined, the russian sighed, picking the little up as more tears filled her eyes. “I’m so sorry baby. I didn’t mean to scare you, mama was just upset. I shouldn’t have yelled. Everything is okay I promise.”

“Is Mommy going?” Y/n asked as they were placed back on the floor, “I don’t know” Natasha sighed walking out. Y/n looked at Wanda hopelessly. “Maybe I should go detka.” Y/n frowned. “But mama loves you, and i don't wan you to go.”

“It’s for the best baby, okay? I will call you later though and I will come see you this weekend, I promise.”

Enough- Wanda NatWhere stories live. Discover now