Start from the beginning

''Ma'am you here'' Mrs Mehra, her demeanour became defensive, attempted to explain, but Nitya's glare silenced her protests. ''You pushed Rivaan'' she said flaring her nose, she hates when someone touches her loved ones let alone pushes them. Though she doesn't like kids Rivaan is different she knows her best friend has a warm bond with him and so as she has become her new favourite aunt who spoils him with a lot of gifts in such a short period of span.

Mrs Mehra's facade crumbled, replaced by a flicker of guilt and remorse. "I... I didn't mean to," she stammered, her voice barely audible.

With a decisive motion, Nitya took out her phone and asked for her email, Mrs Mehra shivered and didn't say anything. ''Consequences will be worse if you won't say anything'' she said warning her of the consequences, Mrs Mehra told her email, Id and Nitya immediately forwarded a mail to her. "Consider yourself lucky Mrs Mehra, I just suspended you because my mind was to terminate you " she declared, her gaze unwavering.

''If I found you again near him, I will chop your tongues and feed them to dogs'' Risha stood up, comforting 

''As if dogs would like it, they have much better things to eat'' Nitya commented, making Mrs Mehra flare her nose in anger, she was about something but Nitya cut off her in the middle."You're suspended for a month, no leave." Mrs Mehra's eyes widened in shock, her mouth opening and closing wordlessly as the weight of Nitya's words sank in. She ran from there holding Sanvi in her arms.

As Nitya turned her attention back to Rivaan, her expression softened, a reassuring smile gracing her lips. She knelt beside him, he looked at her, and she opened her arms offering a comforting embrace as she wiped away his tears. His favourite toy lay abandoned on the ground, tossed there by a woman's careless hand. She crumbled her palm into, fist seeing tears in her marshmallow's eyes. 

 ''Give me a moment'' she mumbled and left all of a sudden leaving both of them confused and and returned with a cone of ice cream in her hand to cheer him up. "Here, A sweet ice cream for my sweet marshmallow" she spoke and handed it to Rivaan who became happy with the sight of his favourite ice cream. 

''My little baby, do you want to get new toys'' she said as he continued to chug on his ice cream, but hearing the name of new toys his eyes twinkled in excitement. He nodded exictely and gobbled up the whole ice cream in one go making it smear on his face. 

''Aww you are such a cutie'' Risha mumbled while wiping the ice cream off from his lips, Rivaan hid his face in his little hand controlling his smile. He became full red hearing her compliment, she instantly wrapped her hands around him pulling him into a hug. 

Same Night


Standing before the decrepit facade of the brothel, I felt a surge of bitter memories floods back, memories I had buried deep within me for years. The sight of the building, once a chamber of torment and suffering, now stood as a grim reminder of the pain I had endured within its walls.

As I gazed up at the faded sign, the words mocking me with their familiarity, I felt a fire ignite within me—a fire fueled by years of anguish and a desire for retribution. This place, with its dark corridors and sinister secrets, was the reason for my pain, and now, standing before it again, I vowed to take something back.

I remember it all being stuck in there, trapped against my will. It's like I'm reliving every painful moment all over again. But I'm not letting it break me. My fists clench so tight, that my nails almost draw blood. But I stand tall, refusing to let this place crush me again. I was here to find that woman, who ran this brothel, who was the one who bought me years ago. Mona, it was her name, but reaching here I got the information that she is replaced by some other woman now she runs a brothel in Delhi. No problem, she has to die it's either today or tomorrow. 

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