"Okay, I wasn't expecting to have an evolution right away." Brock says. "But it has to be already Level 16 when you captured it."

"Yeah. And now that I think of it, I can probably evolve it into an Alakazam as well." Ash says.

"Right, Kadabra evolves into Alakazam by trading. And now our phones can help us trade Pokemon." Insey says.

Then with Insey helping them out, they trade the Kadabra and help it evolve into an Alakazam.

Alakazam: The Psi Pokemon. Psychic Type. Evolve from Kadabra by trading. Its brain can outperform a super-computer. Its intelligence quotient is said to be 5,000.

"I can't believe just within minutes, you turn an Abra into an Alakazam in the end..." Misty says.

"But I'm not complaining about it. Having an Alakazam is cool." Serena says.

As we continue moving, I notice that there aren't any new Pokemon but Spearow around here. Brock tries to prank Misty with the bug, and he got kicked in the face.

But when we continue moving, we find a Charmander lying on a rock. Serena says, "A Charmander?"

The Charmander yawns, and I say, "Why is it on a rock?"

"I don't know, but do you think it's a wild Charmander?" Insey asks.

"Maybe you should capture it because it looks like it's in bad shape and we should probably bring it to the Pokemon Center for help."

Then I decide to throw the Pokeball, but the Charmander just uses its tail to knock it back to me. I say, "It looks pretty healthy to me."

Brock says, "Take a look at the flame on its tail. There's no way it still has the strength to battle."

Serena says, "Maybe Charla can talk to him first?" She throws the Pokeball and sends out her Charmander. Misty asks, "Charla? When did you give her a nickname?"

"We decided a lot of days ago." I say.

Charla asks, "What are you doing here? Did you know that your flame is weaker?"

The Charmander stares at Charla and feels a little heart beating. He says, "I'm waiting for my trainer to come back. If I leave, he would have missed me."

"I see... so if it's waiting for his own trainer, then I think we should better leave." Yellow suggests.

"You're right. I hope his trainer comes back soon." I say.

Then we all bid the Charmander farewell, although I could see that he was sad that Charla is leaving with us. I frown and say, "Hey, do you think Charmander was abandoned?"

"Why do you think so?" Insey asks.

"Well, I was just worried about him." I say while looking up at the dark clouds approaching.

Then we arrive at the Pokemon Center to heal Pokemon, and then we hear someone laughing nearby. We find that a trainer named Damian is surrounded by a group of people, and he also has a lot of Pokeballs in front of him. Strange, I thought that a trainer can only have 6 Pokemon in the team unless he has a remote PC like us.

"I thought you have a Charmander too." A boy says to Damien.

"Yeah, I had one. But that puny thing was so weak it couldn't even beat the weakest opponent." Damien laughs.

We were a little eavesdropping, and Misty says, "I don't like his attitude."

"Charmander maybe weak against Water Pokemon, but their trainers work hard, it can even be strong." Brock says.

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