Chapter 26- Time's Up

Start from the beginning

"Honestly Micah, I'm just trying to clear my head so I can focus on what needs to be done." And let's face it, what needed to be done was a whole lot of fucking killing.

Up until a week ago, I had never had to take anyones life. I would prefer that I never had to, but I've been left with no choices. Protect those I love, or become a victim myself. I'd stand on the front line of this war single handedly fighting them all off, to keep my pack and family safe.

"How's that going for ya?"

"Not so great since you keep on yapping." I grumble.

He gave me the silence I needed for the remainder of the drive, but the second he put the truck in park, his mouth started back up again.

"You sure I can't go in with you? I could stay hidden in the woods. If we stay all the way back here, it's too far to be of any help." He offers.

"I can't risk it, Micah. If they get wind that anyone disobeyed Malcombs so-called rules, he's crazy enough to make good on his threat." I point out. And we all knew that threat was to send Xavier back to me in pieces.

"I know, I know. It's just that it fucking sucks to feel so useless. I may as well be standing back here with my dick in my hand." He opens the door, and jumps out still pissing and moaning.

"I'm sure the rest of them would appreciate if you didn't do that." I laugh at him. He certainly paints a picture I could have lived without.

"Listen Jace. Unfair advantage or not, you use everything the Goddess gave you. Understand?" He comes over to where I was standing, and grabs my shoulder, squeezing it hard.

"Why don't you just worry about coming up with a proper apology for what you did to me earlier, not with how you can save my ass." I grab the opposite shoulder on him in the same manner that he was holding mine.

"If you get taken, kill them all from the inside, yeah?" He grins at me, but there's not a single ounce of humor written on his face.

"Anyone you want me to leave for you?" It wasn't that long ago that him and I would argue over who got to end Zane's life. As it turns out, neither of us did. It was decided that Azariah was going to administer the blue meanies, and then it would be up to Becky to give him the formula that might save Kreed. If Zane comes out on top, then I get the honors, but that was a really big if.

"Nah, I'm good. You have six minutes to be at the bend. Is there anything at all we can do for you?" Micah gets serious and pulls me in for a hug. "I can go in, instead of you. Just say the word, and I'll do it."

I'm about to open my mouth and tell him we both know he was kidding, but something in his eyes tells me he's not. This male standing before me, the one I'd been friends with since the very first day of kindergarten, was willing to lay down his life in order to save mine.

The problem was that if I wasn't the one who showed up, he would be killed. Instantly. No way was I ever going to let that happen. He had an entire pack to look after, not just me.

Still in the hugging position, I clap him on the back several times. "Seriously, Micah, I've got this. But thanks for the offer." I try to take a step back and end the longer than comfortable hug, but he holds on even tighter.

"I love you like a brother. Please come back." He says this low, but we all know everyone heard him.

"I love you too, Micah."

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