Love Shot #5: New year, new love

Start from the beginning

"Yes I do of course... just come here okay? We're waiting for you."

The other line went quiet and the older thought her cousin had already placed the phone down, she was about to remove the phone from her ear when she heard a whisper..."Is everything all right Jess?"

Jessica was unsuccessful in biting back a smile; her normally dense cousin has become perceptive. The band singer smiled weakly, "yeah... everything's all right. I'm just a little out of it."

The band singer heard a chuckle on the other line and breathed easier... Daniel may have gotten more perceptive through the years but his trusting nature has not wavered even a bit.

"I suppose you are still in shock at the prospect of Ken and Roan spending the New Year with us... but you should get over that shock soon. We have to be happy because our group would finally be complete at the start of the New Year."

It was Jessica's turn to chuckle at Daniel's enthusiasm, this boy man has always been the like a ray of sunshine and he always succeeds to infect everyone. "Uh so, do you want to speak with Rei?"

"Hm? Nah... I'll talk to her later."

Alarm suddenly registered on Jessica's beautiful face, "Ah but Dan--"

"Yes cuz?"

"N-nothing uh I-um we'll see you..."

Jessica can feel the younger one shrug over the phone, "all right, if you say so... I'll call again. Bye bye!"

The band singer massaged her forehead and placed the phone back to the receiver; she gave a weary glance at the composer's door and exhaled loudly.

"If only I didn't promise Ken I'd quit smoking" *sigh* "I think I need a stick right now."

Jessica grabbed her IPhone and tweeted some pictures of their apartment to take her mind off her cousin and soul mate's situation...

Later that night, a few hours before the New Year

"Roan, can't you walk a little faster? Those long legs aren't just for decoration!"

The youngest scowled and jogged to get closer to his irritated childhood friend, "Ken... I know you miss Jessica but please do not take it out on poor awesome me. If you want to run, be my guest..."

"Tch. You perfectly know that she will have my head if I didn't bring his little Roan with me."

"Oh right... so that means you need to follow my pace..." *smirk*

Ken gritted his teeth and allowed the younger to lead them to the apartment, the older one grumbling along the way.

After several minutes of climbing the endless stairs (they refused to use the elevator in case people would see them and both cannot risk it so they ended up climbing to the 24th floor), Ken leaned on the wall breathing heavily and sweating profusely. Roan smiled innocently at the band leader, "you need help? I can carry you."

"Shut up! Just knock on that door!"

Roan grinned and followed his childhood friend's order but it was not until the youngest's patience had started to grow thin when the door opened.

"Jess? Uh...oh I think you got the occasion wrong... we're celebrating the coming of the New Year, Halloween ended a month ago."

Jessica scowled and punched Roan lightly on the shoulder earning a playful grin as reply. Ken gasped when he saw the weary looking Jessica, "Honey! What happened to you?"

The band singer scowled, "Rei and Dan happened."

Ken walked towards the love of his life and hugged her tight, "what did those two do this time?"

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