Prepping for the wedding (17)

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???? POV:

My future wife has been living a good life but it couldn't possibly be good without me.

She may not remember me but her true feelings will, I will go to that wedding and ruin it. She will come crawling back to me. Leaving that bodyguard in the dump, where she belongs.

Out of POV:

The wedding of Maria Jackson and Aaliyiah Williams is happening in 2 days and neither one of them is ready.

Maria is panicking on what to say for her will, while Liya is struggling with what to wear.

Maria POV:

"Hey Mari, how are you?" Liya said, she walked next to me, in which I was holding a notebook and writing in it. "Hi honey, nothing much, just writing." I replied, "Oh, well guess you have everything done then for this wedding?"  Liya asked, "Yea, almost." I was too focused on writing she almost ran in a pillar but luckily Liya pulled her aside.
  "Well I'm still trying to find a wedding dress in my budget.." She said, which quickly caught my attention. "What budget?" I asked, "Well, I know you used your money to get me this ring. So I'm going to buy this myself." Liya said, and I looked at her in 'what?'

"No, we're getting married in 2 days, remember? My money, your money. Just go buy something and I'll take care of it. It doesn't even have to be related to the wedding." I smiled, and she smiled back. "Thank you! I'll find a way to pay you back, promise!" Liya said, 

'You're already making it up for marrying me.'

2 days until I marry an angel, can't wait. We thought over something together so this wouldn't be new for us when we got there.

In total, there will be 40 people, because of my dad.
It will be in the back of the castle 
We can't see each other before the wedding
And we, more like she, agreed not to kiss each other. :(

We sent out the invites a while ago, so people should be aware of the wedding.

Oh and I'm totally taking her last name, Maria Williams, it sounds better to me.

Oh and the real problem. 
Live with the fact that if i confess after the wedding she might not feel the same way and divorce me, or do it now and risk her leaving me even sooner. Why didn't I think of this sooner? Which one would be less painful?

Telling her now gives me goosebumps but at least she can just leave and not divorce me because we're not married yet. But getting married to her then telling her, I would have that memory saved, so if she did leave me, I would still remember that day. Hopefully

???? POV:

I can't believe she took that bodyguard over me, her prince!

I don't blame her for loosing her memory, I blame that bodyguard.

If that bodyguard hadn't been so weak, that messenger boy wouldn't have said anything and Maria wouldn't have went to avenge her.

It's that girl's fault, she needs to pay for messing with my princess. But what will I do?

Out of POV:

The rest of the day, Liya went shopping but because of tons of mail from her mother because she now knows where she lives, Liya took her mother and sister shopping for clothes.

Aaliyiah POV:

"woah, I've never been to this side of the village before, this is so cool." Alexis said, "Yea, it's really nice you let us come with you Ari." My mom said, Again, please never call me that in front of Maria, she will never stop. "It's also nice your fiancee lets you use all that money. It could buy my groceries for this week."  Nice try mom, I'll buy your groceries tomorrow, today we need to find something.

"Oh how about this?" I turned around and my mother had a full white dress that looked like it should be worn by someone that's 8 feet tall. What's with wedding dresses and being so long? "Uh, no." I turned back around still looking at other dresses.

"Ari, we've been looking for 15 minutes straight now, lets take a break your sister is tired." My sister wasn't tired, she was the opposite it was just my mom didn't want to complain. But to admit it, I was tired too.

We found somewhere to sit down and sat and ate there for a while. "Maybe it will help if you know what type of dress you want." My mother said, "I want a kinda long dress but not where it completely touches the floor. Just a light blue and white dress with maybe some blue flowers." 
  "That's cute. Why a blue dress though?" My mother asked, "I have a feeling the theme is our favorite colors, so I figure that Maria will most likely buy a green dress." I said, "Wow you know her so well, you guys are meant for each other." She said, I smiled and we got back up to find that dress. 

"omg..ARI come here! I think you will like this one."

835 words

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