On The Run, Again. (3)

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Princess Maria's POV:

When I jumped out the window, I kinda hurt my leg a little but the pain went away as soon as I started running as fast as I could. I had to get away from there, IT WAS SO BORING. People that are 30 years and older are the only people I talk to. No one there is my age, except the cheif, he's 20 but everytime I try talking to him, he just waves and stutters so much I can't understand what he's saying. And he is always sick when I visit him, his face is always red and him being like 90 degrees. 

As I was running near the main door of the castle I bumped into this lightskin girl with a military bun hairstyle. "Hey, watch where you're going next time, okay? I can't drop these, they're important." The girl said, but then her eyes widened. RUDE and personally I took that to personal offense. "Um okay.. well bye." I said and I kept running until I got to the village.

When I arrived, I bought a cloak before walking among all these townspeople so they don't rat me out for money. I walked with the hood on my two afro ponytails, to a small house that had a red roof. I opened the door and walked in. "Grandma? Are you home?" I called out. "Yes dear, I'm in the kitchen. come, come." And I walked to the kitchen. "Sit, sit." She tapped the chair next to her and I sat down. "Now what do I have the pleasure of talking to?" She said, "It's me grandma! Maria!" I said. Smiling. Her face had a big old grin.
      "Haahaha, nonsense, my Maria isn't allowed outside. I hope she's not outside right now without permission?" She said. "I'm sorry grandma but I had to see you!" I replied. "I'm not allowed to go anywhere and I don't know anyone my age! I have no friends except the guards and they're boring!!" I said, sadly. "You need to go back to the castle, I bet someone there is waiting for you." Grandma said. 

"Really, like my dad? I bet, she's so protective and for what? Nothing bad happened to me, right?" I asked. Grandma stayed silent for a bit but I think its because she didn't hear what I said. "Just go to the castle, I bet it's not just your dad that's waiting for you." She said. I stood up and started walking back to the door, but then ran back and gave her a hug. "Love you grandma!" I said and ran out while waving. 

I slowly walked back to the castle and opened the doors and saw that 'rude' girl and my father.

"Maria Lee Jackson! What did I tell you about tricking the guards and running off?" My dad said. "I'm sorry." I said, "No, you're grounded and you're not allowed to leave your room at all, for nothing unless someone is with you." He said, He's so unfair sometimes.. "DADDD"  "We have a guest, do you remember her?" He said, "Heck yah, you're the girl that I bumped into and you were all like, 'watch where you're going', meanie..." I said folding my arms. "No I mean from farther in the past like a few years ago maybe?" He said, I took a good look at the girl. And i'm great with identifying people. Short, about 5'5, brown eyes and mixed I think, like me. A military bun and hair color is about a really dark brown with light brown strains. 

"MMMMmmmm," I said, "No, I don't know who in heck you are."  She looked down and I could tell i hurt her feelings, now were even. "Don't say heck, and okay." My dad said, "She will be your new personal bodyguard and will follow you and report to me everyday on what you're doing."  He said, "WHATT! She's watching me!?" I said, I walked up to her and stood next to her as she was facing my dad. "Yes, she will go with you everywhere so you better get used to it." He said, I sighed and looked at her face.

She was really pretty, and she didn't look too old. "How old are you and what's your name?" I asked her, I was really up in her face. With her melancholy attitude she said, "My name is Aliyiah Williams but you can call me Liya. And I'm 19 and about to turn 20 in 3 months."  

OMG a person not 30 years or older!? I looked at her in awe and I bet she thought I was weird. "Now, Maria, go to your room, Aliyiah your first day starts today, and you can sleep in Maria's room since she has another bed in her room for some reason." My dad said, 

She bowed and started rolling her stuff down the hall. "Uh, do you need some help?" I asked, but she just looked at me and continued to roll her stuff down the hall. 

When we got to the bedroom she put her stuff at the back of my big room and came up to me and bowed. For some reason I smiled, It really annoys me when people bow to me but coming from someone as melancholy as that. It felt I was in control for like 5 seconds before she started to stretch in the back.

She really is organized and neat and built and boring. Maybe she should be queen instead of me.

923 words

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