Start from the beginning

"And maybe find Squidkid!" Mabel cheered.

"And... possibly find Squidkid."

"Good night Dipper."

"Good night Mabel."



The next day, Dipper and Mabel prepared extensively before stopping at the front door.

"Alright, we don't know if Techno will want to talk about it, so we won't push him for answers." Dipper said.

"Don't push for answers, got it."

Before we go, let's double check we've got everything. Water?"




"Weapons in case we come across something in the woods?"

"Double check."

Alright, I think that's everything." Dipper said as he picked up his back pack.

"Wait! I thought of something!" Mabel shouted.


"My... grappling hook!"

"Sure, it might come in handy."

With everything prepared for the trek out to Techno's place, Dipper reached his hand out to the door knob and turned it. Dipper pushed the door open, and was hit with a blast of hot air so warm it felt like he had walked into an oven.




"Ahh." Techno sighed as he walked outside. The temperature was finally starting to get to a comfortable heat, not quite as hot as the nether, but getting close. While Techno's skin was thick enough to make most changes in temperature not effect him, which was very useful in the arctic, he still preferred the heat as it reminded him of his youth, long before he was kidnapped, forced to fight in gladiatorial combat, overthrew the slave masters, made a name for himself toppling tyrants, and getting adopted by Phil.

"Techno! The world is happy today, it's lifting me up!" Ghostbur cheered as the heat pouring from the ground made him rise. "I can see everything! I'm looking down on the town... why is this giving me memories? A different town, but... in flames? Why is it in flames?"

"That... happened a long time ago Ghostbur, just enjoy today."

"Okay." Ghostbur said, before floating even higher. "I need to go, friend, people out in the town need Blue."

"Okay, just be careful Ghostbur." Techno wished Ghostbur as he floated off.

Average_techno_fan: big brothernoblade.

Bananamilkshake: Technobrother

Carpediem: @Average_techno_fan I though Wilbur was older?

Technofan12321: @Carpediem Idk

Average_techno_fan: Depends on which lore is being used, DSMP had both family friend /brotherly but not related Techno and Phil and Techno are friends. SBI family Au's generally have Wil and Techno as twins with Techno older by like 2 minutes, and then there are fanons where Techno is adopted after being kidnapped from the nether as a child. Pretty sure Techno is older than Wilbur, not as old as oldza, of course, but close.

Carpediem: So pretty much however it's convenient at the moment?

Average_techno_fan: yes

"I accept this topic, because I am actually his brother."

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