[chapter W O N: Beguining of "(hoe)p"] part one

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[]= author's note
??? Stupid ass pov:
Today was the best day of my entire life! I've finally been accepted into the best high school ever to get in, and that school would be hope's peak academy!According to the wikipedia [🤓☝️] this is the school where all the ultimates on the entire globe come here to learn from each other! Enough of me being a fan girl of an inanimate object, as the ultimate journalist known world wide Ami Skybridge Finally have a chance to most likely meet the ultimates of the world other than from my articles!! [srry if the story is cringe rn im bored anyways]
3rd person pov:
As Ami went through the gates of hope's peak academy,*vine boom*, a sudden swirl in her vision appeared, knocking her out, to only make her wake up into a classroom with crusty musty dusty donald trumpy, feels like flumpy, grandma just took a dumpy, rusty lookin ass metal chairs😍😍😍😍. "Where the actual fuck am I?" Ami questioned herself. With her clumsy lookin ass, she fell over, thats when she saw a note has fallen on her face, ik such original idea, the note said," Hello that one sonic charter that looks like a pink tampon, meet everyone at the classroom next door you mafaka🤑🤑😜😜😍😍🙉🙉🤓🤓 - Sincerely the Head Master or Hope's Peak. (btw yo breath stanky, take a god damn mint! PERIOD) "Zayumm that was rude, I dont look like no used pink tampon character from s a n i c  😭😭😭😭😭," Ami said to herself with a low emo voice [emotional damage L bozo🫵🍆🤏😔] as she walked to the classroom next door she saw two people running while one of them was carrying the other on their shoulders,"SISTER YA NEED TO LOSE THEM POUNDS, WHY I HAVE TO CARRY YOU IF YOUR OLDER GOSH!!!" The boy on the bottom said while running, well more like attempting to run while carrying his sister. "Well you should be thankful, I though you wanted to be stronger so you can quote on quote 'be the ultimate bodybuilder' so technically [🤓] you should be thanking your older sister you ungrateful rat😒💅," The sister said while trying to do her makeup. While Ami was far ahead of them, she managed to make it to the classroom. Expecting there to be a whole classroom, no, there was a room with kinda like a weird vibe with a pink and orange tiled background and in between that background there is a slide ,"The fuck why there slide here, this is stupid I'm going back," Ami thought to herself. As she attempted to exit a hand came from the roof throwing her down the slide as deserved for being a noob. After the arrival, the slide lead to a place that didn't look like a school plaza, but it looked like a hotel plaza, it was pretty much empty except there were two other people in the plaza talking about something. "AAHH SAMURAI SENPAI HELP, AN UGLY RAT FELL FROM THE SLIDE HELPP" the brunette haired girl said while strangling an emo boys arm. "FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME IM NOT FROM JAPAN IM FUCKING GERMAN AND I AM NOT A SAMURAI AND IM A ARCHER YOU STUPID ASS WHITE GIRL 😭😭😭" The emo guy said while taking his arm away from the anime weeb grabbing onto his arm. "Anyways, even though I dont know her, ima forgive for her. Hi, my name is Josh Dermen, ultimate archer, please to meet you," the ugly ass emo [this is a joke srry if this offends anyone who is into the emo style :p] boy said. "OHhhHhHhH, well since my future husband introduced themselves ima introduce myself noww ahahahehhehehgehehd, so my name is Stellar Crescent ultimate astronomer, you best not forget it or i will whip yo ass into the 1930's!" The astronomer simp said with ✨S A S✨ and determination. "So like, are you going to introduce yourself or not you ugly ass platypussy?" Stellar said questioning Ami. "Oh yeah, nice you meet yall, my name is Ami Skybrige, ultimate journalist :D," "Ok so like, now that we've introduced ourselfs, go away ima have some... private time... with my future husband😍😍😍😍😏😏😏😏," Stellar said smirking at Josh "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME HELP PLEASEE HELP SHE AINT EVEN MY TYPE AND SHE BE FLATTER THAN PAPER😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭!!!"Josh yelled but it was too late bc Ami already went bye. As Ami looked around, she found the cafeteria where the rest of the people are. "Well haiii gurllieee, where u beh cummin frumm hehehehe," a drunk ass male appeared hanging off of the roof like fucking Spiderman
"Sorry for my gay ass brother-, we made a bet that the alcohol in all of the closets were fake and uh he won the bet," a knock off mlp human character said, trying to pull her brother from the roof. "Oh its fine, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Ami Skybridge, ultimate journalist :D." "Oh well then let me introduce myself and well my drunk brother, My name is Chloe [Kardashian] Safire, ultimate candy maker, while my brother is named Jay Roev , ultimate surfer," Chloe said "Why are yalls last names different, are you guy's parents divorced or something,"Ami questioned. "Pretty much yeah, although I feel bad since whenever they got divorced, since my brother got our dad and well lets just say he isn't the nicest person you will know-," Chloe said in response "SISTAHHH, LOOKIE HEREEEEEEE IZA FUCKINGG CHEZE IT LREDDD MR KANG KOCKKKKKK🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵,"
Jay yelled, fucking fire alarm, so loud that the other peoples heard them including the people outside of the cafeteria. [Im too lazy to continue this so ima just do the list of names/ultimates/ personas:
Alex Soughair: ult: Magazine model [determined]
Charle Windwerk: ult artist [shy]
Zach Flaunts:ult Stage director [British]
Autumn Sasher: ult costume designer [sassy]
Dan Sasher: ult disguiser [happy]
Zoe Xheme: ult care giver (w/cat)[calm]
Zander Dorque:ult dealer [fvcking horny]
Tiffany Blossoms: ult occult [over hyper]
Danny Orela: ult track racer [MEANIE]
Ima do the other characters from before bc why not
Ami Skybridge:ult: journalist [smort]
Stellar Cresent:ult astronomer [simp]
Josh Dermen: ult archer [serious]
Jay Roev: ult surfer [very gay]
Chloe Safire: ult candymaker [preppy]

After everyone met up with everyone ,an anonymous announcement came from the speakers that said ,"HAI BOZOZ, cum to the plaza where yall fell down in the slide or else you will fucking diee 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑, but for real though come to the plaza or you die you got 50 seconds byeeeeee bitchesss 🧌🧌🧌🧌," the cafeteria then became silent except for the running foot steps running to the plaza. "Dang senpai we are soo smart for staying here huh 😏😏😏" Stellar said seductively "Get the fuck away from me, im into men and you kept me here from socializing you dirty ass bitch," Josh said
As everyone lined up for the announcement they heard a pitched voice ,"hello, yall there or naw, testing testingg, i dont know and I dont care ima go out," suddenly a goofy ass dollar tree bear comes out of the floor and acts like its normal. "OHhhHhh- hol up where the fuck am I and why the fuck is there a ugly ass chipmunk ghat looks like it came from power rangers talkin-💀" Jay said,finally not being drunk like earlier. ," Im not a chipmunk, im Monokuma dumb ass hoe🧌👺," Monokuma said with a angry lookin ass tone😜😜😜😍😍😍🤠🤠🤠🧌🧌🧌🤑🤑🤑👹👹👹. "Im pretty sure that a penguin since it got them black and white colors..." Josh said "I agree with senpaii😍😍😍😍😍😍," Stellar replied and well everyone else agreed ,"IM A BEAR NAMED MONOKUMA DUMB ASS WHORES AND HOES *is angy*!!!" Monokuma roared [funni ber puun] "so like why we here, like we have a purpose here righttt??" Alex said questioning ✨Monocrome ✨ [monokuma] who replied back with a,"Well~ its its a really funny reason actually, its so I can have my own entertainment if ya know what I'm saying😏" "So your going to fuck us, because if yes I'm fine with that since im a bottom-," Jay said only to be cut off by monokuma saying ," The fuck naw, what i mean by pleasure is that yall are going to kill each other for stupid wet ass hope of corse 🙄💅," After hearing the news everyone *le gasped* at the news ," Your kidding right now right?" Dan said, expecting no for an awnser
"Oh you think im joking, now thats a joke i can really laugh about, but still you all are going to participate in a killing game deal with it bozo, and to spice this up a notch, whenever a murdere kills someone and three people find it, a little funny sumthin will happen, and that lil funny sumthin is called a class trial! Of corse im not that heartless so after every killing is discovered i will let all of you guys look for clues on who the killler might be, if the killer or blackened is found only they will be executed or commonly known as punished, however, if you vote for the wrong person, the blackend will be able to escape slash graduate, doesn't that sound fun huh 🤠"Monokuma announced with glee. "By the wayy take these knockoff ipads they expain rules of this epick killing game," Monokuma then threw the monopads to everyone but that still didn't change the mood on how they were feeling.Everyone just starred at each other,blankly, worrying on who might kill them among themselves. After the moment of silence, Charle finally broke the silence,"s-s-so what now, we all know theres a killing game right now and that we all have a chance of getting killed 😭😭😭🤑😭😭😭" "I dont fucking knowws, ima just hang out sumwhere so ye byee," Zander said, pulling a cigarette from his pocket, then just walks away. Pretty much everyone left to do there own thing so ye byeee.


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