Chapter two

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" ugh..what? Who's there " Leo said arising from his slumber on the couch

" uhhhhh " Mikey said

" huh? Oh hi Mikey whatcha doing awake " Leo asked

" uhm I was uhh " Mikey tried to think of an excuse

" wait..we're you..sneaking out? " Leo said

" nooooooooo" Mikey said looking away

" oh you so are! " Leo said

" I-ugh fine, yes I'm sneaking out " Mikey admitted

" ha well I don't really care just be safe out there little bro " Leo said

" wait your not mad " Mikey asked

" naw it's cool but if you get hurt out there I will be mad " Leo glared at Mikey saying that last part

" uhh ok well I'm gonna be fine and safe plus I'll probably be back in like and hour or something " Mikey said

" yeah probably *yawn* well there's not to many people out this early it's only uhhh like 9:20 or something " Leo said

" yeah most people are probably asleep or in there Homes " Mikey agreed

" mhm so just be back at like ten or sometime near that " Leo said

" I will thanks Leo your the best " Mikey said as he ran to the exit and left

" I *yawn* know I am " Leo said as he laid back down and fell asleep

Out of the sewers Mikey ran and ran finally he was at The surface, all by himself, Mikey then scoops out the area he sees no humans, nobody, he then jumps up and a building and uses his mystical weapon to swing from roof to roof until he finds someone

" huh" Mikey said in his head as he hopped down on a roof

there mikey saw someone they didn't look human or like a mutant they had spider like features all black and red they were a bit taller then him and he looked around his age. He was looking over New York at the lights,

" uhm uh who are you? " Mikey asked from afar he didn't know if this guy was a threat or not

" huh!? Oh uh I think I should be the one asking you that" the spider like guy said

" a-are you a mutant? " Mikey asked

" w-what? I'm not a mutant, I'm Spider-Man" spider man said " now who are you? "

" uh I'm Michelangelo but it's Mikey for short " Mikey said

" oh uh nice name " spider man said

" so um are you gonna like hurt me or uhhh " mikey asked

"what!? No of course not! Unless your a bad guy...your not a bad guy right? " Spider-Man asked

" w-what no I'm a good guy " mikey said

" mmm well you don't look like a threat more of a..uh what exactly are you? " Spider-Man asked

" oh uh I'm a turtle " Mikey said

" a-a turtle! " Spider-Man gasped

" yeah I'm a turtle, and you look like a spider " mikey said

" well I'm kinda a spider, I'm also a human " Spider-Man said

" and human!? " mikey said

" yeah I'm basically like a mix or something" spider man said

" o-oh..that's kinda cool! " mikey said

" it is, uh hey so uh whatcha doing out here " Spider-Man said

" oh nothing I kinda maybe snuck out " mikey said

" wait you snuck out" Spider-Man gasped

" yeah.." mikey said

" that's cool! " Spider-Man said

" yeah but one of my brothers let me go but he said if I'm not back in a hour or so I'm gonna get In trouble " mikey said

" oh well I better let you go then. " Spider-Man said

" yeah probably..well bye Spider-Man " Mikey said

" bye Mikey! " Spider-Man said

Yeh I did this with a empty head I really would appreciate if the people reading this could maybe comment some ideas for the next chapter :}

Thank you!!

Shellshocked (discontinued for a short while)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن