Chapter three

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This chapter was inspired by Oliver_Awesome

" huh that was weird, I mean the guy seemed cool but..weird " Mikey thought to himself

Mikey swung from roof to roof until and unexpected pho came along..the krang

" what-!? Yeh krang what are you doing here! " Mikey said

" oh hello~ we have come to destroy you (i honestly don't know how teh krangs gonna talk in this so bare with me 😭 ) " teh krang said

" heh you can't defeat me and my brothers-...uh I mean you can't defeat me! " Mikey said

" I see your all alone..perfect.." the krang said

" yeah but~ I'm one of the strongest on the team  " Mikey said

" wait aren't you the youngest though..pfft!! Teh young one thinks he can defeat us all by himself , heh kid I think the best option for you is to get out of here before you get hurt " the krang said

" no way! I ain't letting you do harm " Mikey gasped

" very well ready to get hurt " the krang threatened

" huh, you ready to lose " Mikey smirked

" ugh..who do you think you are! You think you can defeat me all by yourself without your brothers to help you when you fall, " the krang said

" I-..I can do it! " Mikey said

" heh oh really well without your brothers here there's just no way..weakling! " the krang yelled

"..." Mikey couldn't speak

" heh he's not alone ! " Spider-Man said swinging on the roof

" Spider-Man!? The-wa-what you doing here " Mikey gasped

" just here to help you out " Spider-Man said

" heh..thanks " Mikey said

" oh now there's two of you, I'm sooo scared " the krang mocked

" you better be! You ready Mikey " Spider-Man said

" aww ya!! " Mikey yelled

Spider-Man and Mikey both new what teh plan was, run. Distract. Hide. Ambush. And run, it was simple they did there plan perfectly and somehow lost the krang

" phew, t-thanks bro " Mikey said

" no problem but uh you wanna tell me what the deal with them was " Spider-Man said

" oh yeah..well they call themselves the krang and basically they torture the city like stealing things and helping build there empire to 'take over New York ' or whatever " Mikey explained

" oh you and your brothers fight them? " Spider-Man asked

" yeah basically.." Mikey sighed

" mm well I'm glad I could help " Spider-Man said

" yeah me to " Mikey smiled

" well I guess I should let you go " Spider-Man said

" oh yeah well thanks again..uhh does this like make us friends " Mikey asked

" umm I think so " Spider-Man chuckled


Mikey liked his new friends chuckling it was soothing and somewhat cute..

" you ok? " Spider-Man asked

" huh! Oh yeah I'm fine I just dosed off for a second " Mikey blushed in embarrassment

" heh well see ya " Spider-Man said as he got up and swung into the distance

"" Mikey thought

Mikey felt something, something weird and tingly he didn't know what but it felt good, Mikey let out a breath and continued his way home only to realize he had only an hour to be gone..he didn't know how long he was out but he knew it was over an hour, Mikey ran towards someone's house and peaked through there window only to see a clock reading the time he saw it was 9:58

" Aw man! I gotta get home ! " Mikey yelled as he ran through the streets of New York and mad it to a man hole ( I think that's what there called ) and he jumped down it leading him back to the sewers and into the lair only to find a very disappointed Raph and a guilty looking Leo and an I don't care Donnie

" Mikey.." raph started

"Uhhh hi Raph.." Mikey stuttered

Edit—-when I had mentioned the krang I meant the foot

Hey guys thanks for watching or uh reading well I just wanted to ask you if you could put some more ideas for the next chapter again

And byeee !


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