Harry nodded, realising what she meant, "Well," he began, "Technically, Darcy is my aunt, what with being my mother's half-sister and all," he said, "And it could be explained she found out she is distantly related to Tony," he added, "Which is true, when you think about it," he chuckled amusedly. "Also," he added, "With her being an intern of Janes, it could be argued that we're just visiting family, no one has to know that I am actually Tony's uncle, several generations removed of course," he concluded.

Pepper gave a nod at that before turning to Thor and Darcy. "That still leaves the matter of you two. If you wish to go public to the world about this relation to Tony or not, and how you want to go about dealing with it."

"Why wouldn't I want everyone to know about my family?" Thor questioned, deeply confused as to why it would be a question at all.

"How about the fact that it could mean openly admitting that Tony has alien DNA in him?" Darcy asked Thor pointedly. "While that may be fine to your people, here on Earth, people freak out about that shit all the time! Bout if aliens came to Earth in the past and did messed up shit to us. Tony's lucky, cause his alien blood is so watered down with human blood he might not get too much trouble for it. But I'm half alien and so I'm gonna be wanted for study. Now, I don't know about you, but I don't want some white coats in a lab sticking gods knows what in who knows where. That ain't the life I wanna live," Darcy finished explaining with a serious tone.

"Oh, would it truly be that bad for both of you if it's discovered that you are related to my brother?" Thor questioned, still confused.

"People fear the unknown," Pepper spoke up wisely, "To suddenly hear that a celebrity like Tony isn't fully human? It will scare people," she added.

"Not to mention those nut jobs out there who are all 'The lizard people are taking over the world' will jump on this hard," Darcy added, "Not to mention the people who talk about Government conspiracies," she mumbled.

Ari spoke up, suddenly, "So, what, we lie?" he asked.

Runa face palmed, "Duh, you stupid bilgesnipe!" Runa replied.

Tony raised an eye brow and went to question just what the hell a 'bilgesnipe' is, when Pepper started speaking.

"If you feel that is the best course of action right now, then alright. After all, we can easily explain away why Darcy is hanging around Tony since she works for Jane," Pepper nodded in satisfaction.

"And we can explain Harry and them away by the fact that I'm related to them. No one's going to give two shits about who I'm related to until we blow the whistle on the Stark relation," Darcy smiled happily.

"Right. We technically wouldn't be lying to anyone, we just wouldn't be telling them the whole story," Pepper smiled.

"Alright then," Darcy said as she stood up. "So, I am going to ask this right now, since no one else seems to have a clue where to go next..." Darcy took a breath. "Can I go skinny dipping in the pool now?" she asked hopefully.

Tony shuddered, "I don't think so," Tony began to reply, "After all, the last thing I need to is to see my aunt, whose younger than me, and removed by who knows how many greats, in the nude, no matter how hot she really is..." he mumbled. His words, of course, earned him an angry smack from Pepper.

Darcy pouted at that before a thought hit her that had her smirking, "Well you know, given how far removed we are as family, we could-" She started before Jane jumped in.

"No! No, no, no! No talking about incest please!" Jane shouted as she jumped up. "I am so sorry about her and the things she's said!"

Tony frowned, "To be honest with you miss Foster, I have to agree with you," he replied, "If I wasn't related to her, I would totally ask her for a night out on the town, but as things are..." he shivered, "This whole new family connection is just too weird, I need a stronger drink..." he mumbled before heading to the bar.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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