Surprise, you have family!

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~3 Days after the first meeting with Magni; Current Location Los Angeles~

Pulling up to a stop, Harry was smiling as Darcy groaned, "Alright Hare Bear, it's been three hours, I'm begging you, can I please change the song?" Darcy begged.

Harry grinned, "Nope!" he replied, "Remember, you all lost the bet," he added, "It's my turn to pick a song, for five hours, and it's only been three," he continued, "And right now I want to listen to Uncle Kracker's Follow Me," he finished.

"Boy, if you don't change the song I will-" Magni began only to be cut off as Harry glared at him.

"You'll what?!" Harry countered, "Huh pig boy?" Harry asked, referring to the fact that Godiva had made Magni grow a pig tail during their trip to L.A., not to mention matching ears, using a spell that Loki had taught them for pranks. "Yeah, that's what I though bacon boy," Harry said when Magni failed to reply. The two had been fighting on and off since they had left Puente Antiguo, needless to say, it seemed like Magni was just looking for reasons to argue with Harry.

Magni went silent, and glared at Harry, he really wanted to teach this brat a lesson, but he couldn't since he technically needed their help.

Runa, on the other hand, sighed heavily, "Please Harry, I know you like this song from Darcy's collection, but can we please change the song?" she asked hopefully, putting on her best puppy dog eyes look that Darcy had taught her to perform.

Before Harry could reply to her look that rapidly drained his will to refuse, Magni spoke up, "I still don't see why we cannot simply call for Heimdall and have him return me to Asgard!" he sighed in annoyance.

Harry sighed, as did Runa, Ari, Jarl and Godiva, "Because," Harry began, "Right now, Magni Son of Thor,none of us trust you, not alone, and not outside our line of sight," Harry added. Before Harry could continue, Runa spoke up too.

"As for your question, more directly, it's not your Asgard, as you admitted yours was destroyed, and you wouldn't know who to trust there, just as you don't here, then again, you can trust us, despite your thoughts to the contrary," she said, like it should be obvious, "After all, we know the semi-current political battle field of Asgard, we know who has power and who doesn't, you, on the other hand, are as powerless, politically speaking," she added when he started to glare and shake at her, "As say, Sif for example," she finished.

"Also, Grampy is currently King while Great Grampy is napping. And I have high doubt you would be a good little princeling and follow his rule given the history you have with the one in your dimension," Harry pointed out. "So once again, it's a big fat 'no!' to you going to Asgard. Now stop whining about it and get over it!"

"Also, let us not forget, that Magni has no real proof as to who he is. He does not exist in this dimension, so his claims to be the son of Thor would only be met with mistrust and suspicion," Godiva added, "Some of those who are like minded with Sif might even see Magni as a trick of prince Loki, and thus try to do harm to him!"

Magni looked down at that, he hadn't thought of those scenarios, as such he went quiet with thought. Godiva was correct in that he had no proof of who he is aside from the hammer at his side, and there was no way for anyone outside of certain people to prove it is real. Even were he to go to Asgard, he'd be no closer to going home and who knew what might happen with him with the realms in their current state. He could most likely be made to stay in one room of the palace, where he would slowly go mad from the lack of anything to do.

Ari smirked, "Anyway, we have seen the museums, and we saw the historical sights, what's next?" he asked cheekily and also sounding a tad bored.

Harry was about to fire off a snappy response at Ari when Jane spoke up. "Well, we're in L.A. right?" she asked, getting a nod from Harry when Darcy suddenly had a light in her eyes, obviously picking up on what Jane wanted to say.

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