First day and a song

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As the sorting hat came down over his eyes, a voice began to whisper through Harry's mind, catching him by surprize. Deciding to joke with it, Harry waited for the hat to speak.

"What an interesting mind you have Mr. Potter," the hat began, "I must say, your mind is very protected for someone your age, but, given who your grandfather is, along with his teacher, and your aunt as well, well, first aunt," the hat continued.

Seeing an opportunity, Harry replied mentally with, "Mom, is that you?" he thought questioningly but cheekily.

The hat sighed in Harry's mind, "Clearly Lady Freya and your first aunt have rubbed off on you more then I think Prince Loki has realised," it responded.

Harry smirked, "Gotta keep the legacy alive, right?" replied with a mental smirk.

The hat smiled, both outwardly, getting the attention of some, and sent a mental smile to Harry, "Regardless, it is time for me sort you, as it my duty," the hat countered.

As it scanned through his memories, Harry could feel it going through them, smiling as it lingered on the one where he had stood up for his friends to Sif and Odin.

The hat suddenly hmm'ed in Harry's mind, "Yesss," it said finally, ,"Plenty of courage I see, and cunning, lots of cunning, and even more intelligence and love of reading then the first two, oh my yes," the hat continued, "However," the hat said with a pause, "You are loyal, first and for most, to those who have earned it, but also to those you haven't met yet but do not have an opinion on, once they show themselves against your values, they lose your loyalty, given this fact" the hat paused for dramatic effect, "Has to be..." suddenly it went quiet before the hat shouted, "HUFFLEPUFF!" it shouted finally.

This announcement caught many by surprise. While everyone had their own ideas as to where the grandson of Loki might end up, Hufflepuff was either not on their list, or so far down it might as well not be there. But as the shock wore off, the Hufflepuff table exploded into cheers as, not only did they have the grandson of Loki in their house, but also the only known person to survive the killing curse. That last one was something that no one else could boast about.

Dumbledore's face fell like a stone when the sorting hat shouted the house name. Harry Potter, the key to all his plans, was in Sprout's house! This was horrible for him, Harry was now even more out of his reach then he had been before. Everything Dumbledore had planned to win Harry over with counted on Harry ending up in Gryffindor. Though all was not completely lost Dumbledore realized. After all, Hufflepuff was the house of the loyal, which would mean that if Dumbledore could control Harry's friends, then Harry should be easily control in turn. It would take some work but with some rethinking all might not be lost for Dumbledore and his 'Greater Good'.

McGonagall was surprised to hear Hufflepuff come from the hat on Harry's head. While she thought nothing ill of the young boy, she had thought that the grandson of Loki would be a Slytherin, or maybe a Ravenclaw. Though, as she thought about it, maybe Hufflepuff was the best place for Harry after all. He would be surrounded by people whose strength was loyalty, and thus would most likely find many friends among his housemates. And with luck those housemates would keep Harry out of mischief, after all, the grandson of the god of mischief was bound to find, or make, a great deal of it at a place like Hogwarts. At most, McGonagall hoped that having Harry in a different house from him would keep Dumbledore out of trouble. She had seen the look he'd given Harry upon learning which boy was him and she knew the trouble that could be brought to Hogwarts should Dumbledore enrage Prince Loki, trouble she didn't need or want.

Snape nearly choked on his drink when he heard Harry being named a Hufflepuff. He had expected Harry to end up in the house of his parents at most, but this? This was without a doubt the most unexpected turn of events. However, as Harry headed to his table Snape's opinion on the boy changed, even if by only a little. As far as Snape was concerned, it didn't matter what house Harry ended up in. He was still James Potter's son. And that fact angered Snape greatly, even as he tried to ignore the fact Harry was Lily's son too.

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