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Last Time on Loki's Family:

It was decided, the men had waited long enough and on top of that they knew for sure this was the boy they were looking for. The woman with him had asked what the boy's full name was, to which he replied 'Harry James Potter', the very name of the boy they were looking for. But rather then report this to Dumbledore the men decided to grab the boy and bring him to Dumbledore, they were, after all, hired thugs, not the smartest of folk. However, as they could not be certain just who the young woman with the boy was, or even if she was Muggle or Witch the three called in back up. If she was Muggle then they would remove all trace from her memory that they had been there and take the boy, if she was a witch they would capture her and bring her in for questioning.

Darcy stopped walking and glanced around, noticing that something felt wrong but not knowing what, in her mind, her sixth sense from previous encounters in her life kicked in.

Harry noticed this and looked around. "What's wrong?" He asked.

Darcy took his hand in her's and held it tightly. "Nothing, let's go." She said before walking a little faster, not too fast as Harry wouldn't be able to keep up if she did, her free hand disappeared into her bag and closed around her trusty can of Pepper spray.

A man stepped out in front of her and Darcy pulled Harry behind her.

"Hey asshole, move." Darcy didn't need to look behind her to know more men were walking up to them. Her hand tightened around Harry's while her other hand tightened around the can in her bag.

"Give us the boy and we might let you go." The one in front of her ordered with a sneer.

Darcy could see a few more men approach in the corner of her eyes. "Not happening."

The man before her smiled and started to walk over to her, a stick in his hand, "Last chance." He pointed the stick at her. "Hand over the boy."

Darcy pulled her pepper spray from her bag. "Bet my can does more then your stick, and what a tiny stick it is." She heard a few snorts behind her while the one before her glared. When the man swung his stick Darcy hit the button on her Pepper spray and hit the guy right in the eyes.

The man dropped his stick and began to howl in pain, rolling around as he rubbed and clench his eyes, "AAAAAAAH!" he screamed painfully and like a little girl, "IT BUUURNS!" he shouted in agony.

The men around Darcy took a stop back in shock, having never seen anything like that she'd just done before.

"Who's next?" Darcy asked confidently as she remembered she also had a tazer in her bag, one that wasn't exactly legal, but also not illegal to its voltage level and size, gotta love grey areas.


And now, the adventure continues:

Just as another man tried to get behind Darcy, she dropped her pepper spray in her bag and whipped out her modified XR-5000 stun gun, jamming it into the wizards chest and activating it. Needless to say, with the increased voltage, and some of the minor tweaks that Darcy had had made to it, the poor bastard shit his pants in pain.

Seeing this many of the ones still standing rethought their plan of attack. As clearly this woman had some kind of power. Whatever that box in her hand was it clearly could hurt them.

Darcy, waving around her tazer, smirked at the fearful looks on the men's faces, as she waved her taser around a bit, and said, "Who else wants to meet Mr Sparkler!" She pressed the button on her stun gun and it sparked threateningly. Looking down at the second guy to go down, she kicked him in the nuts before saying, "Damn, that's the first time he was ever used too, didn't know it would cause someone to shit their pants!" she said with a disgusted, but amused, smirk.

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