Lying Idol: Happiness

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Four months later.

"I'm home!" Ai exclaimed while entering the apartment.

She had just come home from practice and she was eager to see her children, and luckily, they were the first thing she saw along with someone else.

"Would you choose her?" Jaune asked little Ruby while showing her a photo of a girl. The little girl responded by sticking her tongue out a simple act even though he was capable of talking. "Yeah, I don't really think they would have good chemistry."

After Jaune had been left by Gabriel he thought he had been left in the dumps, in a world that not only was unknown to him but also in a country that didn't have the same language as him, and if it hadn't been for Gabriel, Ai and Strawberry Productions that would have been the case.

The way Gabriel had helped him was by something he had mentioned earlier, they had made fake documentation for him in every single universe. Thanks to this Jaune was able to at the very least make sure he wasn't deported.

The second help he had provided him with was the same bag he was given before being abandoned. It was actually filled with translator pills, the problem was that there was about 1500 of them and the effect ended every 3 hours and that meant that he would need to at least take them four times the day. He was already a done with a third of the bag when decided tof inally take Japanese classes.

Ai had also provided great help, she had the kindness in her heart to let him live under her roof and the only price was to take care of the twins. Apparently, she felt guilty since it was her date that caused him to be stuck in this specific universe.

Strawberry production also helped him by giving him a job after proving to Miyako and Ichigo that he was from another universe by him trying to stab himself and using his Aura for protection (Ai shouted at him for it though). He was a backstage help, bodyguard and most recently a scouter.

Though he would not feel shame to admit that it was Ruby who did most of the scouting and that he was only there to help her move faster. The child had an amazing sense on detecting future idols because up until now her pics had been top notch that Ichigo would not doubt accept.

Right now Jaune was sitting beside the twins while picking the members of an idol group that was supposed to help itself and B-Komachi get a popularity boost by creating a fake rivalry for who would be the one to become Strawberry's main idol group.

Of the four members, three had been picked already due to their more punkish yet adorable personalities that contrasted with the pure and happy go lucky ones of B-Komachi. Each of them was an opposite to their assigned member but with a talent that was the same, a little inferior or a little superior.

There was only one problem.

"Ai stop being so awesome!" Jaune complained to the woman, causing her look at him in shock and for both Ruby and Aqua to hit his sides. "The purpose of this is to find your opposite, but that doesn't mean she had to be worse than you by this much! Seriously the best candidate does not hold a single candle to you!"

"Um, thank you?" Ai answered with a red face, unable to see if what the man was saying was a compliment or a genuine complaint. "But if you're asking me to lower my performance then I will have to say no."

"Ruby, Aqua! Help me out. Help me make Ai realize that she needs to help me." The twins glared at the boy as if he was trash. "I can accept the disapproval but at the very least look at me as if I was human."

"Jaune, an idol has to always give her utmost best. If I were to hold back then both those girl and me would be unable to truly unable to improve our performances." She explained before sitting beside them. "Recruit the one that is best suited and let her grow, you'll see how she improves."

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