Lying Idol: Meeting

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Then things got weird once again when he went to sleep. Because instead of being in a place that was made out of changing colors, smelled like medicine and that made him float up in the air he was at the top of some kind of gigantic mountain.

"We're back in the place we left." Ruby said with relief.

"Aren't we going to comment that apparently Jaune's dream are similar to acid trips?" Yang asked concerned for the mental state of the boy after having been dealing with the beings for two whole weeks.

"We can ask him about all those things when he comes back from his date." Blake said before voice shouted.

"Date?!" Pyrrha exclaimed in shock.

"Well yeah." Weiss said of all people "He went out this morning right? Then there is a large chance that he is right now in a date."

"I see." Pyrrha said with neutral expression.

"Welcome." A female voice said behind Jaune.

Turning around he saw a girl wearing a black and purple kimono (I think that is how Ren called it) and a mask that had fangs that covered half of her face. The uncovered half revealed that she had long flowing golden hair, looking at her left eye was like looking at a night sky because the sclera was made out of pure darkness while iris seemed to be made out of stars with the pupil being made out of a small moon. Completely opposite to the left eyes, the right eye had blue instead of black, clouds instead of stars and a sun instead of a moon.

"Another one." Weiss said with a tense expression. "...Have any of you noticed that their eyes look weird? Like not in shape but they look like something out of this world."

"I also noticed Mr. Schnee." Ozpin told the young boy. "If we were to encounter one in the day to day looking them in the eye might be the key to identify if they really belong to that specific kind of race."

"Unless they are wearing sunglasses." Ruby pointed out causing the professor to nod his head in a way that showed he wasn't pleased with the answer but that he couldn't refute it as not being true."

"I'm Haniel." The woman introduced herself while making a light bow. "And I will be in charge of your training and dream like escapades."

"Wh- How- Hold on a second this is way too quick." Jaune said while looking around ion confusion.

"Dream like escapades?" Pyrrha repeated in confusion.

"So that is another reason he improved, not much but hey improvement is improvement." Yang said while hitting her forehead in realization. "Wait this doesn't make sense at all! How does training in a dream help you in real life!?"

"...Muscle memory?" Blake suggested unconvinced herself with the idea.

"In this dream like landscape you will be trained by some of the strongest warriors, while we will not make you the strongest being ever we do plan on making you a jack of all trades yet master of none." Haniel said while ignoring Jaune's confusion. "Your first lesson starts now."

"Hold on! What is happen-" Jaune tried to shout but a fist punching his face while a deep voice shouted, interrupted him.


"Holy shit!" Nora exclaimed at the sight of the man. "Is that a demon?"

"He looks like one, and Jaune is also capable feeling pain in there." Ruby said with a wince before looking at the other people in the room. "By the way, is it good that Jaune become a jack of all trades?"

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