Chapter 18: Glory to Ursus!

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"Get in the car with the Originium."

Crownslayer wasted no time, the situation was too tense to be concerned of Oripathy. She grabbed the remaining Originium and ran to the armored vehicle.

Meanwhile, Xiu Xian kept pressing the commander, gradually retreating. Then he suddenly kicked the commander to the ground, followed by three gunshots.

Two shots in the legs, one shot in the chest cavity.

"Let's go!" Xiu Xian flipped over and entered the armored vehicle.

The screeching sound of tires against the ground echoed as the armored vehicle started moving.

Then, a barrage of gunfire landed on the armored vehicle. Those officers didn't plan to let them go so easily!

But Xiu Xian had already anticipated this situation. He took out a piece of Originium and threw it towards the corridor.

An explosion occurred, and the gunfire stopped. However, the opponents had cover, so the damage was probably not ideal.

Crownslayer drove the car and observed the situation through the rearview mirror. "Is this how you use Originium?"

"Do you think I wanted to waste them?!" Xiu Xian replied irritably, then shook his arm, which had become stiff from holding the commader. "Finally, we're leaving that place."

"Why didn't you kill him?" Crownslayer pointed at the commander. "He was wearing a bulletproof vest, your shot wouldn't have killed him."

"I know," Xiu Xian changed the magazine and said, "but we're trying to escape, lady. If we kill him, those guys will definitely try to catch up with us immediately. But now their commander is seriously injured, and there's a risk of Originium infection in that area. They will have to retreat or provide medical assistance, right? In such a situation, injuring them is more useful than killing them."

"But they will report the situation."

Xiu Xian shook the handheld transceiver in his hand. "The ones that can be directly used have been confiscated by us. Those guys will have to fix their own equipment. We couldn't take out all of them at once anyways, so there's no point in worrying about it."

Crownslayer abruptly turned the steering wheel, crossed a street, and took the opportunity to glance at Xiu Xian. "You really thought this through, huh."

"No choice." Xiu Xian released the safety and responded. "As an Infected, I have to study ways to escape."

"They're not this harsh towards infected in Lungmen, right?"

"But it wasn't so comfortable on my way to Chernobog." As Xiu Xian spoke, he searched for something.

"What are you looking for?"

"A map."

"I have it in my head." The lupo assassin took a deep breath. "Be prepared, there's a checkpoint ahead. Damn it, didn't you say they went to support the main troops?"

"They must have a hierachy. The outermost ones are probably the ones who went to support first." While Xiu Xian was speaking, the radio inside the armored vehicle made a buzzing sound.

"Vehicle 070, decelerate! State your purpose and prepare for inspection."

Crownslayer instinctively looked at Xiu Xian and then pointed to a button. "Speak from there. Also, what should we do at this checkpoint? Take a detour until they go to support?"

"Accelerate! We haven't been exposed yet. Don't forget, there are five armed teams in the city!" Xiu Xian stared at the checkpoint ahead, then picked up the transceiver and shouted, "To hell with your inspection! I'm Commander Lovskiy! Get out of our way! It's chaos up ahead, and we need to support our brothers in battle! I've left my name, sue me after the fight! GLORY TO URSUS, URA!"

After finishing his words, Xiu Xian hung up the communication. As for the name, he found it from the unlucky commander's documents.

"Is that it?" Crownslayer trembled inside. "Why do I feel like we're heading to our graves?"

"It depends on whether they dare to attack their compatriotss at this moment." Xiu Xian said, and his hand was already in his Originium pouch.

The lupo saw this movement and sighed helplessly. "Why did I agree to come out with you?"

Though she said that, Crownslayer stepped on the accelerator. The armored vehicle roared and rushed forward.

The Ursus Empire had always had a violent temperament, with several incidents where they killed hostages during anti-terrorism operations.

If they confirmed Xiu Xian's identity, they would undoubtedly open fire without hesitation, even if there were hostages. But without confirmation, Xiu Xian, who was currently acting recklessly, shouting like a lunatic, resembled his ursine compatriots.

As Xiu Xian expected, they didn't dare to open fire at this moment. However, they still had to report the situation.

The speed of the armored vehicle did not decrease, and it quickly rushed out of the city. As expected, there was not a single person at the location of the second checkpoint.

But a new problem emerged.

In front of them, various explosions and chaotic sounds of guns and Originium arts could be heard.

"Can we take another route?" With so much noise, Crownslayer had to raise her voice.

"Doubt it!" Xiu Xian's heart also trembled. "It looks like... we might have to cross the frontlines!"

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